no, dude, show `em. stu fishes pictures out of his wallet and eagerly shows them to doug in the front seat. doug is clearly the core of this group, the glue that holds these childhood friends together. how cute. good for you, man. doug shows the photos to vick; he nods, impressed. hey so alan, are you and becky still together? but before alan can answer-- she still pressuring you to get married? what is it? yeah, man, count me in. yeah. i thought i'd be nervous, but i'm actually just really psyched. alan nods, impressed. oh yeah. enh, i think he wanted more for his girl. i mean, i'm a teacher who makes 45 grand a year, and he's a titan of industry who makes 45 grand a day, you know? i sort of get it. also, i'm banging his daughter. i'm not sure you ever get past that. you got floss? alan gestures towards his toiletries kit. doug picks it up, starts looking for the floss. then alan remembers something -- but it's too late. doug has found the ring box inside alan's kit, and opened it to reveal a huge diamond engagement ring. holy christ! alan quickly reaches for the ring-- it's alan's. for becky. well: now we have two things to celebrate! yeah, what happened, stuey?! you used to be able to drink us all under the table! what? no! that's true, stuey, but you're different. we've talked about this. stu just stares at the guys, glassy-eyed. beat. little toast: to tracy, the coolest, kindest, most beautiful woman i've ever met. i can't believe she let me come this weekend -- much less agreed to spend the rest of her life with me. i think both will prove to be massive errors of judgement on her part. the guys chuckle, hear-hear. and to being here, with my best friends in the world. there's nowhere else i'd rather be. the guys raise their glasses, touched. that said, let's not get too stupid tonight, okay? i'm getting married in 36 hours. i'm serious, dudes! nothing above the neck -- no piercings, no weird haircuts, no facial tattoos. i gotta look decent on sunday. vick: you shaved alan's eyebrows off the night before graduation! well then. to a night we'll never forget. they clink glasses, shoot their shots, and don't. even. talk to me. the guys stop short. it's a long story. all i can say is i'm so sorry. and i promise, for as long as we're married, i will never ever put you through something like this again. can. can you forgive me? tracy studies his face, searching. all the guests wait with bated breath. the groomsmen wince, come on come on come on. then, unable to be mad at doug, tracy smiles and kisses him. he kisses her back. the guests all sigh in relief. the groomsmen exhale, whew. vick and alan covertly knock fists. the minister clears his throat. to me and tracy -- and to being here, with my three former best friends in the world. the guys laugh. there's nowhere else i'd rather be right now. they nod, heartfelt, hear-hear. that said, let's not get too stupid tonight, okay? i'm going on my honeymoon in 24 hours. the guys all nod reassuringly.