oh, hello. good to see you again. these your rich friends you were telling me about, vick? alan and stu glance at vick, confused. oh, you haven't told them yet? really, that's low. even for you. six months ago, your friend vick borrowed some money from me at what can only be described as a very unfavorable interest rate. when the loan came due, he failed to pay me back, but he promised me that he could get the money from you guys this weekend. alan and stu look at vick, shocked and hurt. well, vick, it looks like you and your friends have some issues to discuss. in the meantime. he draws a huge, red-plated .357 magnum. i need my goddamn money. the guys jump back, whoa! vick holds up his hands: i've heard that before, vick, including last night, when you so rudely skipped out on my birthday party. that's why i've taken some collateral to ensure your payment. his name is doug. the guys all look sick. if you want your friend to live, meet me at mile marker 26 off highway 12 at dawn, and bring the money. are we clear? yes, mr. mervish? let's see the money! vick gently holds up his duffel bag. you sure?! but you were partying with this guy at my birthday thing! well. i apologize for the mix-up. but i'm still gonna need my money. vick and the guys start backtracking towards their car. don't move, vick. vick freezes, duffel in hand, as stu and alan slink from view. jimmy reaches vick, gun calmly trained at his head. now please. give me my money. all eyes on vick, anxiously clutching the bag in his hand. sweat beads on his brow. don't be stupid, son. you-- then vick throws a hard left hook, slamming jimmy square in his massive stomach! and i really didn't want to kill anyone find vick. and kill him. i really didn't want it to end like this, vick. vick nods, resigned, and starts towards him. then jimmy extends his hand for vick to shake. good luck. your friend alan just paid your marker. took out a second mortgage on his house. the full 200 grand, plus medical expenses, which i thought was a classy touch. vick looks blown away. without our friends, we are nothing, vick. remember that. the three injured mobsters exit. vick remains standing there, overwhelmed, his life literally saved.