no, but i'm sure he's-- just then, tracy's cellphone rings. she quickly answers it. hello? hey vick! what?! but we're getting married in like four hours! vick squints at the rising sun. stu, it's tracy! his eyes bulging, stu covers the phone and hisses: oh, nothing, just here with my family. yeah? hey, you wouldn't happen to know where doug is, would you? he said he'd be home by 5 for this dinner, and now it's almost 9:00. i tried his cell, but he didn't answer. vick, what is going on? oh god, is alan all right? can i talk to doug? where is he? they've done something stupid. her stern father is standing there, frowning. dad, i don't want to hear it. i trust doug absolutely. mr. turner backs off. tracy, however, looks a bit rattled. any word from doug? i'm sure everything's fine. they're all smart, capable adults. no, but i'm sure he's-- just then, tracy's cell phone rings. she quickly answers it. hello? hey vick! what?! but we're getting married in like four hours! reaches the altar, then turns to her dad. his face is a mess of emotions. they hug. i love you, daddy. where were you? and why are you pink? 24: so vick, how's business going? all right, all right, save it for the party. vick and alan quiet. stu is still drumming the seat. all right, i'll get it. all right. all right--! when stu walks past, vick turns away and covers the phone, trying to keep the call confidential: all right. all right. vick hangs up, looking uncharacteristically stressed. am i a bad dad for saying that? oh. well, i'm sure we had a good reason for doing it. you think they'll charge us for--? your wife, man--! aww, you're just breaking my balls! alan looks ill. laughing, steve retrieves a folder and starts laying out a series of wedding photos on the table. vick eagerly peruses them, enjoying this. i-i honestly don't know what i'd do without her. i really don't. alan looks off, lost, sick. vick stops the car short. really? y-yes?! yes, officer merriweather. i do. i knew i shouldn't have come. i asked if you knew where doug was. "stu pryce, 9. 30. 08. i chaps!" some. stu drops onto the couch, deeply disillusioned. i know you don't want to hear it, trace, but you deserve better. tracy frowns, overwhelmed with stress. this is doug! he pushes the guy forward. actually. i should do it. this weekend was mostly my fault. i need to man up. alan looks shocked -- and impressed -- by vick's newfound sense of responsibility. what kind of joke is that?! oh my god.