so what's the, uh, problem this time? you know, i saw your father this week about his sinus. and, uh, he complained of chest pains. you mentioned on the phone that you'd had some dizziness. let's take a look. well, i'm sorry to say you have had a significant drop in the high- decibel range of your right ear. have you been exposed to a loud noise recently, or did you have a virus? when did you first notice this? you've had some dizzy spells. what about ringing and buzzing? have you, uh, noticed any of that? and it's just in one ear? what i'd like to do, is to make an appointment for you at the hospital. i'd like to have them run some tests. now, don't get alarmed. these are just more sophisticated audiometry tests than i can run here. i mean, it's, it's nothing. you know, there's no reason for panic. i just want to rule out some things. it's nothing. will you trust me?