god, she's beautiful. she's got the prettiest eyes, and she looks so sexy in that sweater. i just want to be alone with her and hold her and kiss her. and tell her how much i love her and take care of her. stop it, you idiot. she's your wife's sister. but i can't help it. i'm consumed by her. it's been months now. i dream about her. i- i, i think about her at the office. oh, lee. what am i gonna do? i hear myself mooning over you, and it's disgusting. before, when she. squeezed past me in the doorway, and i smelled that perfume on the back of her neck. jesus, i, i thought i was gonna swoon! easy. you're a dignified financial advisor. it doesn't look good for you to swoon. mm-hm? they're fantastic. your sister is an unbelievable cook. no, she doesn't, either. you've got tons as well. holly, why don't you open your own restaurant? great idea. that's where your talent lies. i'm her husband! she tells me anything! must be here someplace. how's frederick? he didn't come. oh, great. really? so, so, what else? wh- what are you up to? like, uh? incidentally, i-i always have clients who are furnishing places. some of them might-might be interested in buying art. shall i, shall i call you? yeah. let's go have dinner, shall we? you bet. oh, my goodness! hi. well, i'm-i'm looking for a bookstore. yes. yeah, i-i'm kill-- well, yes, i'm killing time. i have a client near here and i. i'm quite early. how about you? oh, yes! you live near here, don't you? where are you headed? oh, my goodness. well, why do you still go to those? you never tough alcohol. oh. you must have been, uh, very unhappy. i'll never understand it. you're so bright and charming and beautiful. i think to myself what problems could she possibly have? yes? yes? well, i-if-if you have some free time. thank you. yes, it's-it's wonderful. what? book? oh, book? oh, no, i. i'm killing time. i. i-i just, uh, w-want to browse, uh. unless, of course, if-if you had some time, i mean, we could get some coffee. no, no. i-i-i understand completely. no problem. y-you're busy. i-i-i. no! no. uh, yes! yes. yeah. how are you? how-how's frederick? oh, yes. who doesn't? look! e.e. cummings. i'd like to get you this. oh, oh, yes. i-i-i-'d like to, uh, uh, very much. i-i read a poem of you and thought of his last week. a poem of his and thought of you last-- you'll be fine, though. lee walks over to elliot in the center aisle. she looks at the book. yes, i'd. i-i-i'd love, i'd love to get you this. and-and maybe, um. maybe we could discuss it sometime. thanks for showing me the bookstore. perhaps you could, uh, take me to an aa meeting sometime. uh. uh, i'd love to see what goes on. and, uh, d-don't forget the poem on page a hundred and twelve. it reminded me of you. page a hundred and twelve. bye. lee, frederick. say hello to dusty frye. dusty's just bought a huge house in southampton and he's in the process of decorating it. i told him about your work, and he's very excited. how's everything? yeah, she loves to go out in the woods. but i go nuts. it's a conflict. oh, that's nice. i figured i'd get, uh, frederick and dusty together. yes. this kid, he's earned a trillion dollars. he's got like six gold records. oh, you-you have that one? oh, i would love to hear it. oh, that's nice. i'd love to see her wind up settled. she's a tense one. i know this. bach. f minor concerto. it's one of my favorites. uh. did you ever get around to e.e. cummings? oh, right. did you ever get around to the poem on page a hundred and twelve? i want so badly to kiss her. not here, you idiot. you've got to get her alone someplace. but i've got to proceed cautiously. this is a very delicate situation. okay, uh. ask her if you can see her for lunch or a drink tomorrow. and be ready to make light of the offer if she's unresponsive. this has to be done very skillfully, very diplomatically. lee! lee! lee, i'm in love with you. oh! i. i'm-i'm-i'm-i'm sorry. i have to talk to you for. there's so much that i want to tell you. i have been in love with you for so long. we'll go. look i-i-i'll be okay. i'll be okay. now, look, you-you-you go on ahead. yeah. yeah, i just-just need so- some-some fresh air. it's probably something i ate. i'll-i'll walk. you go ahead. you go. go on. go. i, i must apologize. i-i'm, i-i'm sorry. i'm so mixed up. wh--, uh, i know, i know but, i am in love with you. i-i, i'm sorry. i know it's terrible. i know! i-i-i-i, i realize. hannah and i are in the last stages. wh--, it-it-it-it, it's so sad. she's crazy about me, but somewhere on the, along the line, i've fallen out of love with her. oh, no, no. well, yes! i love you. oh, no, no, no. it, uh, it-it-it- it was i-inevitable that hannah and i part, anyway. tch, w-well, for a million reasons. tch, no! we were, we were both going in different directions. but-but, but how about you? do you, do you share any of my feelings? or is this just an unpleasant embarrassment to you? w-well, please be candid. i, i-i don't want you to feel bad. o-o-o-okay, lee. okay, okay. you, you, y-you've said enough. it's my responsibility now. i will work things out. yes, but you, you do care about me. your guilt is because you feel the same. i have my answer. i have my answer! i'm walking on air! i thought you weren't coming. lee. uh. no, no-no-no, i'm sure. i-i couldn't think where to invite you without taking risks. i've wanted to call you everyday since i first told you how i felt. i resisted so many times. don't think badly of me. this is not an easy situation. i don't want anyone else ever to have you. oh, my god. you really do have those thoughts, don't you? yes, she's, she's very warm, but, but it-it's me that wants to be giving to you. i-i-i want to do things for you. hannah doesn't need me as much. i'm being presumptuous. not that you need me. what passion today with lee. she's a volcano. it was a totally fulfilling experience. just as i dreamed it would be. that's what it was. it was like living out a dream. a great dream. now i feel very good and cozy being here next to hannah. there's something very lovely and real about hannah. she gives me a very deep feeling of being part of something. she's a wonderful woman. and i betrayed her. she came into my empty life and changed it. and i paid her back by banging her sister in a hotel room. god, i'm despicable. what a cruel and shallow thing to do. i have to call her now and tell her what we did was crazy. it can't ever happen again. i'm not that kind of man. and i value hannah too much. i love my wife. now i've betrayed her. oh, god! i've, uh. gotta find, gotta get a phone number in my desk. i forgot to phone mel kaufman. yeah, i know. i-i can't believe i forgot. what if he answers? i'll hang up. i'll tell her we can't communicate until i terminate my marriage. it's immoral. then, time will pass. i won't call, and she'll get the idea. i gotta stop this before i get in too deep. i'd rather hurt lee a little, than destroy hannah. it's one-thirty. she. she can't have a conversation with me. with him around. i'm getting hysterical. i'll call her first thing in the morning. i'll call her at six. frederick goes jogging at six, yeah, she'll be alone. and i'll, i'll call her and nip it in the bud. i've got it! i've got it! i've got it! hello? mel! i don't know. um. i'm just antsy. was i? well, i-i don't think it's a very good idea. because it's the last thing in the world we need right now. i don't know. but, you got four children! well. i-i think we should wait till things settle. you know, y-you have some very set plans on how your life should be structured. a-a house, uh, kids, certain schools, a h--, a home in connecticut. i-it's all very. preconceived. i-i-i know, but there's got to be some give and take. oh, let's not--i, i don't know what the hell i'm talking about. no! i didn't say that. my god! wha-what is this? the gestapo? no. what kind of interrogation. su- supposing i said yes? i-i-i am disenchanted. i am in love with someone else. no! but you keep asking these, these awful questions. my god, it's-it's like you want me to say yes! for chrissakes, stop torturing her. tell her you want out and get it over with. you're in love with her sister. you didn't do it on purpose. be honest. it's always the best way. hannah, you know how much i love you. i ought to have my head examined. i don't deserve you. i-i can't seem to take action. i'm-i'm like, uh, hamlet unable to kill his uncle. i want lee, but i can't harm hannah. and in no other area am i a procrastinator. meanwhile. lee has no direction. she's taking courses at columbia. but just randomly. i try not to call her, but then she calls me and then. i call and. we try to resist meeting, but. once in a while we meet. sometimes we argue because i can't break up my marriage. sometimes we wind up making love and. we both feel terrible. but it's my fault. for all my education, accomplishments, and so-called wisdom. i can't fathom my own heart. you've been very cold to me tonight. is something wrong? uh. i-i-i know. i deserve this. if-if-if you can believe i have such feelings for you! but it hasn't been forever. yeah, but we-we made so many plans. and you're in love overnight? lee. me? of course not. look, i've got a splitting headache and i don't like being accused. no. hannah, my head is throbbing. hannah, i am very mixed up! now please! well, maybe i've asked advice once or twice or-or made a joke. leave me alone, can you?! jesus, i've told you. i need someone i can matter to. it's hard to be around someone who gives so much and-and needs so little in return! well, i can't see them, and neither can lee or holly! you're not lost. i love you so much. oh, lee, you are something. you look very beautiful. marriage agrees with you. everything that happened between us seems more and more hazy. i acted like such a fool. i don't know what came over me. that complete conviction that i couldn't live without you. what did i put us both through? and hannah. who as you once said, i love much more than i realized.