now, ladies and gentlemen. no, now. this is a toast! this is a toast. this is a toast. you know this beautiful thanksgiving dinner was all. prepared. by hannah. no, you did it. and we drink to her, and we all congratulate her on her wonderful accomplishment during this last year. her great success in a doll's house! yeah. oh, bravo! bravo! i am glad to see you. she's in the kitchen there. it's the same thing. same thing. she promises, promises. but it's all lies. always. we were making a commercial down at the mayor's office, and there was this young, good-looking salesman. and your mother was throwing herself at him in a disgusting way, and when she found she was too old to seduce him, that he was just embarrassed by her-- then at lunch she got drunker and drunker and finally she became joan collins! i can only hope that she was mine. with you as her mother her father could be anybody in actors' equity! you never know when she's going to fall off the wagon and humiliate everybody. remember this, hannah? now, here. here's a song that norma sang on that trip we made up to the show in buffalo. and, oh, was she beautiful that night! thank you, honey. oh, yes, you were, dear. don't you remember that night? she was so beautiful. she was so beautiful that when men saw her walking along the streets, they'd drive their cars right up on the sidewalk. isn't that right, honey, eh? i know. i want ice! who's got some-- oh, there it is. hey, where's holly? she's late. oh, honey!