mmm, we practically are. well. not a restaurant, but. april and i are going to do some catering! no, no, we decided! mmm. i mean, we love to cook for our friends, so we thought until an acting job comes through, we could just make some extra money, you know, doing a few private parties. i know. get outta here. could i speak to you privately? hannah, i have to borrow some more money. don't get upset. this is the last time, i promise. and i'm keeping strict accounts. someday, i'll pay it all back. two thousand dollars. hannah, i know it's a lot, but my friend april and i, we have this catering idea i think's going to be great. you admit that we're great cooks, right? well, in order to get started, there's just a few things i have to buy. and some old debts i have outstanding. okay. i swear. i swear. we've already got some requests to do a few dinner parties. i mean, obviously, i'm not going to be a caterer forever, you know. we both still go to auditions. something could turn up at any moment. but the parties are at night, days are free, i can still take my acting class. i haven't done drugs on a year. oh, my god. thank you. uh-oh. yeah, mom's camille when she gets up in the morning. mm-hm. yeah. she really does, though. god. i should get a garter belt. get a garter belt. get a garter belt and flirt. frederick didn't come with her. tch. he's such an angry. he's such a depressive. i thought she was moving out! oh, your kids are so adorable. god, it gets so lonely on the holidays. oh, hannah! he's such a loser! oh, he's such a loser! oh, perfect! he reminds me of ichabod crane. his adam's apple keeps jumping up and down whenever he gets excited. give me a break. come in. i know. it's terrible! no, really, we mustn't get discouraged. hannah will invite some men over who don't look like ichabod crane. not this thanksgiving, you know. maybe at christmas, new year's. if not this new year's, maybe next new year's. ouch! dad. dad. dad! i'm starving! april, april! oh, um, those are quail eggs. yeah, my friend april makes those. here, try the shrimp puffs. these are delicious. i make those. excuse me. thank you. we're a big hit. you will be. you will be. you'll get five jobs next week. only a few. a few. do you like 'em? really? how flattering! did you try the shrimp puffs? we're actresses. really? is the food that bad? here, i stole you a couple of extra clams. now. i'm sorry. yeah, we're the stanislavski catering company. what makes you think we're more interesting? not at all. we saw, um, pavarotti, eh, uh, in ernani at the met, and i cried. oh, what, what do you do? yeah. wow, it's the red one? it's terrific! uh-huh. oh! uh-- right. oh, it's really important. oh, it's just so romantic. i just want to put on a long gown. and open the french doors and go on the balcony -- yeah. yeah. that's disgusting! it's really terrible. and it ruins everything else. yeah. yeah. fast. okay. oh, gee, i don't know. um. yeah, i, we both live downtown. it depends on what way you want to go. uh. right. yeah, but fifth is so jammed, isn't it? i mean, it's jammed. if we went. um. yes. oh, okay. naturally i get taken home first. well, obviously he prefers april. of course i was so tongue-tied all night. i can't believe i said that about the guggenheim. my stupid little roller-skating joke. i should never tell jokes. mom can tell 'em and hannah, but i kill 'em. where did april come up with that stuff about adolph loos and terms like "organic form"? well, naturally. she went to brandeis. but i don't think she knows what she's talking about. could you believe the way she was calling him david? "yes, david. i feel that way, too, david. what a marvelous space, david." i hate april. she's pushy. now they'll dump me and she'll invite him up. i blew it. and i really like him a lot. oh, screw it. i'm not gonna get all upset. i've got reading to do tonight. you know, maybe i'll get into bed early. i'll turn to a movie and take an extra seconal. oh, why are you making those faces? listen, you are witnessing genius! look, can't you feel the energy? it's tangible energy! the room's alive with positive vibrations! you want some? come on, mickey. come on. no! i love songs about extraterrestrial life, don't you? oh, well, i cannot communicate with you! i, you know, i never realized you were such a tightass. do you mind? i'm-i'm my own person. eh, mickey, it's getting late. i'm not angry! you know, you, well, you don't believe in esp, you don't like rock music, you won't get high. it's like i'm dating cardinal cooke! thanks for a swell time. i was so bored! at least i'm open to new concepts! this crowd wouldn't know the difference! they're embalmed! oh, look, i'm sorry it didn't work out. you know, it's probably my fault. i've been a little depressed lately. god! oh, i'll see myself home! you know, i just want to look so good, but i don't want to seem, you know, like i'm overdressed. you know what i'm saying? well, how about this? oh, yeah. did you ever think you'd be helping me buy something to wear to the opera? he's married. and his wife's, uh, in and out of institutions. she's schizophrenic. sometimes she's terrific. and then she just breaks down. and he has this sweet daughter. and when she goes to college next year, he's going to split permanently. i mean. he's really paid his dues, but. then she helped put him through architecture school, you know, so. well, i think he was dying to open up. it's so sad. now. what should i wear to my audition? i've got a singing audition for a broadway musical. of course, i'll never get it. yeah, can you believe it? well, i mean, why not? you know, wh-what have i got to lose? uh. well, you think everybody in m- musicals sings so well? well. you know, uh. i sing a little, i mean. you know. i mean, y-you know, don't say it that way, you know, because my confidence is not my strong point, uh, you know, i think i can fake my way through a song. easily. w-why? you don't think it's realistic? yeah. yeah. well, maybe i'll get it. boy, you really know how to cut me down. tch, well, i sing! for chrissake, hannah, you heard me sing! nobody but you can do that to me. i don't know why. you're right. i'm happy. why must i let my insecurities spoil everything? "this year's fancies are passing fancies" "but sighing sighs holding hands this my heart understands i'm old-fashioned and i don't mind it it's how i want to be as long as you agree to stay old-fashioned with me." i'm telling you, you sounded great. you, uh, you may be surprised. yeah, we have mr. morris levine's eightieth birthday party on riverside drive. or riverside memorial chapel, depending on his health. what? you're joking. i, uh, i'm very surprised. and you, you-you're going? but i'm seeing him. gee, um. i. i don't know what to say. well, i just came from an audition. which i did not get. so what's new? they said i was too offbeat looking, whatever the hell that means. thanks. but guess who was there auditioning? you got it. i was very polite. i maintained my poise. i said hello. yeah, well, she and an architect are now a very definite item, which i still cannot believe. yeah, although it's put an end to the stanislavski catering company. which is why i have to speak to you. and. you're gonna get impatient, but. i have to borrow some more money. but what i decided to do is some writing. yeah, i think i've had it with acting. you know, these meaningless auditions at cattle calls. and i can't handle another rejection. now let's face it here. i gotta, you know, latch on to something in my life. you know--something with a future. i'm not sixteen anymore. it's just. crazy! i've got. an idea for a story. more than one. and i just need a few months, you know, or, uh, a year even. i've picked up a lot about dramatic structure from doing my scenes in acting class. well-well, like what? yeah, that's clerical. boy, i knew you'd be discouraging. yeah, you mean not at my age. yeah, okay, right. forget it. what's to eat? i just want a salad. you really think i'm a loser, don't you? you treat me like a loser. you never have any faith in my plans. you always undercut my enthusiasm. hmm! uh, losers! all losers! you know, i could always tell what you thought of me by the type of men you fixed me up with! hey, hannah, i know i'm mediocre. why are you so upset? what's the matter with you, lee? why are you so sensitive all of a sudden? what's the matter? good. hannah? hi. listen, um, you'll be happy to know that your money has not gone completely to waste. no, i have an actual first rough draft of something i wrote. yeah. yeah. yeah, well, i showed it to lee, and she gave me some good pointers. and, um, listen, i'm pretty near where you live. i wonder if i could just drop it off. and, you know, when you have time, some time, read it, an-and we'll talk when i come over at thanksgiving. okay? all right. okay. oh, wait, wait. listen. listen. i think lee met an interesting guy at columbia. yeah. yeah, well, he sounds really nice. yeah. okay. all right. well, we'll talk at thanksgiving. bye-bye. hey, hannah? you know, i think lee is really serious about her new boyfriend. yeah, eh, from what i understand he sounds really nice. i'm so happy for her. i think she's in love. hey, what's the matter? my script? oh, so loosely. well-- well, it's a made-up story. well, lee mentioned that to me, so obviously you discussed it with her. you. i just took the essence and i blew it up into drama. wow, i guess i hit a nerve. now, hannah, that's not what i meant, you know. uh, yeah, everybody relies on you for so much. "you're so giving. it's not a criticism. we love you. we're grateful." oh, wow! i don't want to have this conversation. i didn't do anything wrong. y-you mentioned to me yourself that you and elliot were having some problems. well, why don't you share them with us? that's the point. i'd like to be bothered. no, he hasn't. if i offended you, i'm sorry. well, you're my mother. not everybody's gonna be such a sucker. oh, mom, thanks. i remember you. i recall you. yeah. we didn't hit it off. how are you? i'm fine. oh, no. yeah? yeah, it was. i'd never do that. oh, well, that was a long time ago. people change. you know. yeah, i hope you have, too. yeah, and for yours. i'm sure you've changed. i'm okay. oh, nothing much. you know. just some stuff. a little of this, a little of that, that's all. probably not. no, well. i've been trying to write. yeah. oh. well, you-you're not interested in this. come on. oh, no, millions of people come up to you and say, "hey, i have something i just wrote," right? really? well, wo-would you be willing to-to read it? something. that i wrote? no, the reason i ask is-- no, i haven't. i haven't. no, the reason why i ask is i think it might make a great, uh, television script, and, you know, you're so active in television, so-- you're kidding me. oh. oh. you're okay, though, huh? oh, i'm fine. well, i'd love it if you'd read it, actually, 'cause i really would value your opinion. but you have to remember while you're reading and you're cursing my name, you know, that this is my first script. well, it's not my first script. actually, my first script was about hannah and her husband, but, uh. hannah read it, she got really angry, and. you know, then i felt badly, so i-- oh, no! it wasn't anything bad. but she just. you know. i don't know. so, uh. i threw it out, but i have this other one. oh, gosh, i don't know. well, could i come over tomorrow and read it to you? hmm. i think it's lucky i ran into you. maybe. oh, well. "we all go through life playing the hand we're dealt. craig: and what hand were you dealt? "emily: i'm two high pair, maybe even aces up. the problem is, you've got three deuces." that's the end. no, you can tell me straight. it's okay. just, you know, tell me what you think. really? oh, it just came to me one day. oh, gosh, you really think i can write? right. oh! oh, god! oh, wow! uh, gee. would you like to have lunch? uh, uh. okay, and listen, i would like to hear what made you suddenly decide to drop out of life. y-you used to-- oh, no! yeah, i care. you used to be so ambitious and. god, you really liked it?! gosh, you really went through a crisis, you know that? h-how did you get over it? i mean, when i ran into you, you seemed, you seemed just perfectly fine. well, you seem fine now. um. look, there's something i've, uh, that's been bothering me for a long time, and i just thought i'd just tell you what it was and just sort of clear the deck here, and that's this. that i've always regretted the way i behaved that evening we went out, and, uh. i've, i just thought i'd tell you that because i really made a fool out of myself. it's all right. sure. sure, uh, yes. yeah. hi! how are you! happy thanksgiving! i didn't miss dinner, did i? huh? hi, marge. happy thanksgiving. hello. it's beautiful. hi. okay. just a few minutes ago. thanks. tch. mickey? I'm pregnant.