big man, little man. fair fight, the good big man's gonna win. but we don't mean to send you out there to fight fair. truer words were never spoken. bad beat today. why's she chasing'em down? that's weak. the man's long gone, he's not coming back, buy up a drawing. evelda drumgo. c'mon, pal. it was all of that, son. you want to get married? you're ready now. that's what you think. is that what you're afraid of? you want me to solve all your problems tonight? and who is "they?" the whole world's out to get you. well, you wanna shoot back, it give you a big target. this isn't signed. ~don't shoot, g-men" how you doin? that's right. what's new onna street? brigham. go. these guy'll back you up. are you alright? who called the tv crews? (turning back, to respond to starling, he draws his hand indictment?