agent starling, would you come with me? they're from baltimore. it's not something he wants to publicize, ma'am. it's just something he does. he's glad to help. . it's just a question of his physical condition. you understand. the identity of the person offering the bounty was never established. mr. verger wanted me to give you this. i. think. he was. he was touched, by your reaction. to his appearance. exactly. do you know the seller? try barney clark. he was the orderly, during dr. lechter's stay in prison. before "the change," mr. verger was. he made quite a study. (pause. starling makes a note. i hardly think so. after "the incident". mr. verger would be pleased to make a contribution, to the charitable. ". and age-appropriate large and small motor skills. his unfortunate home situation has made it necessary for franklin to form immediate attachments with adults, which we understand to have contributed to many instances of his abuse." most current information shows the result of an operation for the removal of a sixth digit, the left hand of a man. not with any certainty we. our operatives in brazil have been empowered to offer a reward of. are you alright, sir? seen what, sir? your drink, sir. may we see it, please? let's see the pigs, please. we don't want the man consumed. no. we want to put the man's feet through the bars, and have the pigs. and have the pigs eat his feet. somewhere in italy. then we won't need to tether miss starling as our lure. sir? if you would see him monument, look around you. telephone call. from switzerland, sir. he escaped. what do you want me to do? it's the f.b.i. mmm. is it going to work? so: the two problems are: they should be fed, and they should practice on a real. thank you. the bad news is: we're going to stick your feet through those bars tomorrow, and feed them to our pigs. no, i think he proffers to spend his happy hours with his playmates. here's to child abuse! and then, he'll be coming down. yes, i did. oh, yes, what? you'd bribe me, to, to, to, "release" you? and i expect you to. come on, stay with us. look here: i could get behind you, and give you a spinal, tomorrow, you wuunt feel anything down there, a l'il pulling is all. n'i'll tell you what, after he's got his jollies, ten, f'teen minutes, i'll come down here, give you a shotta this come on, doctor, then you can sleep. what? that's the last think i want. it won't be long now, sir. stop there, would you, please, doctor? fraid, that's about it, doctor. why? 'fraid it's too late. yes, do you know, you're right. no. and. yes, if you'll, just step away. yes. you know i will. that's right.