and you let her get away. well, well, well, well, well, she went in there, to apprehend a dangerous felon. went in there with her gun, came out, without the felon, without the gun. she couldn't act on her own? where is the fbi's vaunted initiative, where? you find something objectionable to working in partnership with. you were given backup. i'm saying: . and what's wrong with that. no, i don't get you. oh, is this your political position, you're opposed to joint. and what are you, our token woman? and, fine, alright, and fine. what are youdoing, this whole time? and how did she get close enough to disarm you? thank you, that's not responsive. how did our miss drumgo get. what is that supposed to mean? what, you're saying she was overwrought. because that's understandable, because. she blew the raid. one moment, i'm not done with you. (to crawford, as krendler no, no, no, i want the girl to do it. well, then, you have insufficient information. i'm grateful for this opportunity to set you straight. i came to pay my. i realize, you're under a lot of. let's get her out of here.