a lovely perfume. an honor. carlo pazzi. you were kind enough, today, to take my photograph. but perhaps, there is some, some less radical solution. his feelings do him honor. and i have come, simply, to pay my respects to the great clarice starling. is it necessary to say of the sea that it is salt, that the stars are far, that. thank you. i know it well. it is a gravestone in the cemetery of ______ in my native florence. florence, as you may not know, is famed for. but: this particular statue. this is perhaps an inappropriate time. but, i would like to say, it is an honor to meet the woman who solved the celebrated hannibal lechter. a case, so, so fascinating, so. what makes a man . what makes him. eat human flesh? i have to get back to my wife. what's up? yeah, so where is he? they got that kind of money? well, let's find him. i can't even go home and change? what else did i miss? are they hard to get? aren't you glad to see me? i brought you my passion and my wish that this afternoon will be for you an experience of ecstasy. you don't have to think. i'm on the track of a reward, which. i'm going to tell you later. some museum director disappeared. they're offering. what is this, a whorehouse, or are you my wife? i was working. i swear to you. yes? my promotion? hold up a minute. first things first. that's why my wife adores me. what're they on about? speaking of the vacant post. who, can you think, who would want to harm dr. fanelli, did he have any enemies, that. he was wealthy. his family has offered a large reward. dottore. could you tell me: did you ever meet your predecessor, dottore fanelli? i know that the officers who first investigated his disappearance searched for a note, a farewell note, a suicide note. you have taken over his offices, is that not so? of course, in his offices, if you come across anything, any personal papers of his, anything, however trivial, would you contact me, please. are his personal effects still at the palazzo? i'll have them picked up. may i ask you a personal question, dr. fell? you have a recent scar on the back of your hand. you looked oddly at me, back on the landing. why did you look at me that way? please. you assemble this, on the instant, from these few observations? your scar? how so? yes. how did you know? it was adresa de pazzi, depicted as john the baptist. you have seen the chapel? and? then? how could you know? you know america? should you come across anything which. the purpose of the exercise. is it because they are expensive. fine, thank you, but whatever is within my power. i don't understand. why are we here in the first place? my love. i am on the track of. what do you expect me to. darling, dr. fell. my wife madame pazzi. dr. fell is studying for his examination by the studiolo. but the exhibit is closing. darling. the commissioner is going round the cafe. no. invite us? no, he simply. because? "because we don't have any money." the case that i am working on. a liaison position. i feel that. could you get me tickets to the opera. i can't remember. yes, yes, yes. can you help me? i know where he is. i know where he is. i know something no one knows. i want the money. the shape of a three. no, no thank you, i. but is that necessary. ask me when we get home. i've left my program. long overdue. laura. laura. laura. yes, but the important thing, as i've said. the essential thing. the essential thing, is that we must be absolutely quiet about. i'm not a scholar, dottore. but it seemed as if they, as if they. i require. i'd like to walk home with you, and.