s'hotter inside than it is outside. even with the air conditioning. (she looks at her watch, then evone tells me: i shoulda been in, fi, six, months ago. thizz my first checkup. i didn't realize i said it out loud. i'm an orphan. that is a lovely thing to say. it gets, um. it gets so lonely sometime. i said sometime it gets so. how's your child? i said how's your baby? waal. give it up, evelda. give it up. where were you? what happened to right to life? what happened to right to my life? i'm in there, carrying the mail for all you drugstore cowboys, si'in in a van playin with each other's velcro. sir, with all due respect. sir: i could have acted on my own. i was told. i was instructed that this was a joint task force, the fbi, batf, and the mayor's special. sir, i'm in law enforcement, i was out there, dealing with an armed and dangerous. then where was it? i'm sent out there. i'm told that the arrest must be a joint. and i'm telling you: you wanna throw a birthday party: every kid gets a chance to play, that's fine, but. due respect, you don't, sir, your precious joint operation. fbi, atf, dc swat, it's alphabet soup, we don't have the same radio freqs, we don't. i'm opposed to being part, your rainbow coalition. evelda drumgo? i could of took her down in a snap of the fingers-- but-- i'm out there, and my rules of engagement. i don't mind being the token woman, what i'm suggesting, send me out there with a token man. who are these warriors, our cobbled together strike force? i'm in the room with a fugitive felon. one moment, and they're at the seven- eleven. they botched the fallback plan, they. sir, i was, as instructed, waiting for the arrival of the strike force. {pause) spend some time on the streets. ask me then. yeah, sure. glad you like it. why would you say that? because he sent me in there to be killed? well, that would be a poor choice, wouldn't it. (shakes her head, still well, you know, you know, you know, the point is: i can't tell you. cause you haven't been there. you haven't done it. and that's all there is. that's right. no. that's right. that's all part of it. i don't think so. i don't know. do you know? no. no. no, i don't think so. no. well, no. i want the same drink. cause it did me good. but i already drunk it, so, barring that, yes, i would like another. alcohol. where both its life-enhancing and its life destroying qualities. (sound of cheering, they look well. excellent. i'm. our mister frendler to, to, to humiliate me, though. oh baby, oh baby. hey, i'm fine. whaddizit, you, how's your day, our gallant international neighbors? no, that is code-word material, that's what that is. no, but that is the will of the institution. to instill a proper probity, humility, deference, in the prideful individual. could i, does anyone think, have another beer? could i get a drink, no, y'know, i never doubted it. well, that's you see, what i am, kind and feeling. that's what i should do. tell me why? yeah, but who would marry friendless me. hey, lost again. i'm sure there is, but my young friend here, would kill you. the great and beautiful. no,i get it, this is my cavalier. this gents my italian knight. take this. or clear your windshield with it. waal, you c'n only get it in one shop in alexandria virginia, n'that's where i'm going, cause i'm goin home, f'i can get n'y'one, of that nature, to take her there. all y'got to do is ask. (she reaches for her purse, this one is my favorite. it has not title. they should call it "fetch," whaddaya think? do you. what does that mean? yeah, i'm sure it's famed for lotsa things, and you're one'a'them. waal, you hold fast to that thought, as i'm sure, that's a "clue". i din't solve it, i didn't 'solve it'. i just sat a dance out with him. facts, facts, facts. facts, close the case, cavalier. yeah, well, they solved that: turns out, he'uz a cannibal. i am no going to show you the secret handshake! not to turn around. you tol me you wuunt ask me again til i'm ready. i'm not. mos kind. then you tell me, then. i feel. they're sending me. out to get shot. hounding me. they're. how crazy is that. special agent clarice starling, to see mason verger. the children? i've never heard that he. i won't take much of his time. mr. verger, thank you for your time. i've come to see you, sir, about an auction. no, sir, it's not my job to capt. why do you say how terrible? sir, various drawings, done by dr. lechter, while in prison, stolen from the prison after his escape, have surfaced and are being sold at auction. several large reserve bids have been placed on them. i have to ask if you've placed those bids. because if it was not you, then, perhaps it was dr. lechter, trying to reclaim his own property. because, sir, you are the only one of his victims who lived. and because you have large resources. due respect, sir. someone offered three million dollars bounty on dr. lechter's head. sir? yes, then, you're saying that you haven't bid upon these drawings. will he be alright? what would that be? now, why in the world would he do that? what reaction? we've subpoenaed the auction house's records. and how would you know that? you should get the kids a dog. no, no, of course not. tell him to give it to an orphanage. yes. for approval. yes. i told that woman i'm an orphan. but. but. but. you're right. i used it. to bargain. for her sympathy. i used it--to "whore myself out"-- y'see john brigham? you seen john brigham? what'm i looking at? standard issue. am i on that case, sir? well, then--i wouldn't want to be taken for a hobbyist. (as brigham reads} you know what, he's right. fella: had his life taken from him, by a maniac. fella. he's laying there, he'll never get off that bed. he can't move, a monster. (she shakes her head, and wherever he is, that's fine with me. yeah, i know. that ain't my case. they assigned me, go do some legwork, theft of government property. tha's what i'm gonna do, and then go home and burn the roast. how the hell about that--i'm gonna swim with the current, and i don't care where he is. ah, barney: you've got a good mernory. i have not read you your rights. i hereby acknowledge that. oh yeah? wanna arm wrestle? well. word gets around. it wasn't my day. it's a poor workman who blames his tools. how are things at the hospital? what have they got you doing? i would have figured you an r.n. by now, or, maybe med school. you. (getting down to business, as did you ever think, did you think, after he escaped, he would come after you? we got a bunch of materials, coming up at auction. materials which disappeared from dr. lechter's cell, drawings he made, his books. and i'd like your help, determining who's bidding for their purchase. waal, because your selling'em. two years ago, his annotated dictionary of cuisine, by alexander dumas, went for sixteen thousand dollars. seller's affidavit of ownership, signed cary panz. p.a.n.z. sounds to me like an orderly. whadja clear on the book? ten, twelve grand? here's what they want you to do: we want the rest of the stuff you stole from his cell. let's just say they got a passion for collectibles. now, whyn't you help us? not as much as being jailed for theft of government property, or for failure to pay income tax, on undisclosed income. say it in english. then who's buying it? that's the spirit. you want me to be? a vacant exercise, why? let's keep it to business, shall we? they did it for a lark. and why is it a vacant exercise? who would that be. no, you're wrong about verger. well, if he hasn't, i'm vastly mistaken. what'll you do with the bird? m'i gonna see you tonight? then i'm doing fine. all quiet along the potomac. his job description? he's a comic book freak. insufficient animation. just get me his vital signs, will you? yes sir, i saw it. (he hands her a copy of the x- i am all attention. just the person i'm looking for. because you're going to help me plan a party. i'm going to do it, and you're going to catch the bouquet. my daddy would say: accept with glee the things you cannot change. mr. crawford asked my opinion. here we've got a purported x-ray, dr. lechter's surgery. do we keep it secret, or broadcast it? yeah, that's too hip for the room. i don't wanna go out there at all. no. i want to buy a dog. i met a man, and his troubles were greater than mine. something about my father? to, to. to be in control of my. my emotions. that's right. yes. what is your point? yes. why? yeah, it looks clear outside the. wait a moment. we got. it's a gunship. i know her by the back. pray that it may be so. she will fight. last time, she had a nine mil, three magazines, mace in her purse, a razor round her neck, and a shank in her hair. she will walk over you, you give her a chance. i'm gonna asker to give it up, she balks, i want some real help. nevermind watching my back, i want some weight on her. i don't want you huskies stand'n around, watching us mud wrestling. drurngo is hiv positive, and i don't wanna be in there, swap spit with her. heads up! give it up, evelda. think about the baby. show me your hands. evelda? show me your hands. what, what, i can't hear you. i almost shot the baby. security!!! get outta my way, you sonofabitch. you put my friend in the ground, with your mickeymouse taskforce. izsat the kind of headlines that preserve and promote, you, sir? what is it? i know you did what you could. reinstatement to what? there ain't nobody there. new? what? no. yeah. well. they're a talkative buncha commentators. trouble is, they all seem to die. what would you guess, ardelia? why? he was shot. he was shot. on his rounds. and. and. and all he left us: the country brought back his hat, and his badge. both with a bullethole in them. an' that's what he left us. that's what i said. (waves her off, as if this is but. he was a night watchman. that's what he was. n'they brought back, his hat, his badge, an his timeclock. but they were not there. yesterday. is that called a delusion? who paid you. who. tell her that. this is clarice starling. can you walk? are your legs working? i'm going to cut you loose. with all due respect, doctor, if you fuck with me, i'll shoot you dead, do you understand? do right and you'll live through this. no, i don't think so. thank you. (she moves to sit, and what is that that smells so wonderful. thanks to you. we were speaking of my father. we were speaking of my father. and my need for the institution. and how did he do that? i'm afraid, this wine is making me woozy. i feel weak. 1 don't understand. might i have some more of the wine? but as my father used to say. well. no. he can't come back. 207: i've got an appointment. what'd you say, hon? cause i feel it's getting late for me. do you know? that i've waited too long. waited too long, hon? starling rounds on him, hits him several times, and throws you wanna get up, you wanna get up? here i am. get me out of here. a compendium of the bureau's most celebrated cases. which you have in your course study guide. now; this afternoon. how'd you let her get that close to you? she threw a punch at a man on the team. offered by an unnamed source, three million dollars for information leading to the apprehension of hannibal lechter. it is, of course, a bounty poster, the only one of its kind, it was never distributed, the contact number was disconnected, and the trail of the person offering the reward was covered so skillfully, that. of the hannibal lechter case. lechter is, as you know, still at large. here we see the implements used in his escape from prison. if you will turn to your course syllabus, page. oh, and to complete your course of . study, by. your girl's a menace. here, givver this. getter off the street and teach her some humility. i don't think so. what is this? he once made me an improper suggestion. now, an arrest? you aim to shoot me, or you just playing show and tell. you don't want to shoot me, you just deprived yourself of one of your hands. you fool, i got two hands, you got one. so: what's the gun good for? force? no. it's good for control. you can control through force, but you can also control through. that you went into police work to control your rage. and to have done it, means, can mean to accept, not only danger, but betrayal? that's. i appreciate your help, but. what does this mean? n'i don't care, you see, what all they got me doin, for i'd rather be doin' makework, than be doin' pub'l'relations with the dirty dozen, one hispanic, one librarian, one jew, and one from column a, and one from column. (a drink is set before her, howabout you, romeo? sadly. what a lovely perfume. c'mon, pal, i'm gone to buy you a drink. i feel they're out to get me. how crazy is that. five minutes. he think's he's hurt his knee--but the assurance, the assurance, the assurance that someone cares suggests the hurt was elsewhere. ah. and here we have artifacts of, yes, my own encounter with him. i'm sorry. angle on starling, as she glances at the card. he. would consider it a favor if he could make a donation. to a charitable institution of your choice. please, i do not. i don't want to trouble him. but if you or he have any notlon, who would be buying dr. lechter's. he is? i saw a man today, a man so hideously deformed who'll spend his life in a hospital bbb. you admired that man. why don't you find them? purports to be an x-ray of the hand of a . white male. mmmm. mmmm, after the removal of a vestigial sixth digit. left hand. it purports to be the x-ray of dr. l. excuse me. hard up as you are, at your age? whadda you care? surrender. he's spend'n his life helping children. how corny is that? but, you know what: i give up. let's get married and spoil a buncha kids. you represent italy. call it an inspection. bad coffee, and women with excessive ankles. doctore carlo fanelli, curator of the pallazo capponi, 2 months missing. what a world. i need you, y'understand, i need you. everybody needs something. the personalities of pre-renaissance florence? i think not. a dr. fell. a brazilian, i think. applying for fanelli's post. brazilian. what if he came upon a note in, the capponi library, this great italian institution, which he now graces us with his bid to direct, a note from guido de cavalcanti. would he recognize it, i think not. would you care to address that, dr. fell? would you excuse me? i saw a man in disheveled clothing, but clean. just dressed--in the middle of the. an old story. and then i saw the clothing was fresh--therefore: a man who dressed at home. and then i remarked the new wedding ring. and so: the story gave me pause. a lovely story. a new, and a beloved wife. i wish you joy. i'm a historian. it is our task to assemble the seemingly unconnected into the obvious. the faintest whiff of a perfume, whose base, whose base, whose base is "hamamelis" . it is witch-hazel--such a clean scent. no, not a european scent. i would say it is a scent of the new world. i would say, you have been in america. have i struck home? some of 'her perfume' has found its way back onto you. lucky man. lucky man, indeed. it is the one great mystery, is it not? anyone who would say otherwise must be a hypocrite. don't you think? how are you, agent starling? then why did you chose to inform me of it? in my ability to squander. what one might deem an advantage. that my strength is greater than yours. you lasted eight years, as orderly, in dr. lechter's prison ward. what? there's one or two freaks, and, for a "pass," i'll rat them out to you. (he takes a pencil, and puts a couple of names in her book, but it's just a vacant exercise. angle, on barney, as he starts putting the dead bird in catcha later. we have a memo here, from your friend mr. krendler at the justice department. you stay offa this alphabet soup detail, all this half-baked, cowboy stuff, till after you get your mind cleared. you don't wanna go out there a half-step slow. we got kittykat. no, i'm fine. we are here on sufferance. i am here. enchante. should love to correct your error. and i want tickets to the opera. what was it, honey? show me the pigs. i think they like it. they will eventually. tell them. they eat his feet. please call our friend at the fbi. hello. do you know who this is? i think it's time to finish the preparation of our friend. miss starling. i'm fine, how are you? that's all we have time for today. i don't understand. you've decided a lot of things. but, in spite of your decisions--you are still "nagged" by feelings of: despair, of failure of. you still have the nightmare, you. why are you here? i want to do something positive. you want me to reach out for tickets to the opera. say so. what is that young girl doing to you? thirty thousand dollars reward. in the whereabouts of il dottore fanelli, or the apprehension of his. hello? he has had his finger removed. on his left hand. it left a scar. on positive identification. and the remainder of the reward, upon his apprehension by the appropriate legal authorities. she's resting. she's conserving her strength, perhaps you should do the same. affirmative. okay, happiness is a green light. we've got evelda in the kitchen, cooking. the dope's d.e.a. strike one to all units; evelda drumgo's coming out behind two shooters. showdown showdown showdown. put em on the ground, as quietly as we can. boat's due in thirty seconds, let's do it. wait wait wait! security security! watch the fish house door behind me. get my back. evelda. evelda. put your hands out of the window. you forgot to cancel the plan. upon the person-in-question's apprehension. would you prefer a cheque? it is necessary, if you wish the remainder of the money. (he nods to his clerk, who how can i thank you? who does not? your reputation does you honor. can it be that you are lovelier, even, than at our last encounter? just to get away. i'm surprised they can spare you, in the midst of your investigation. of the disappearance of my predecessor. take me home and make love to me. time to get something to eat. yes, quite. where shall we eat. and what shall we eat. izzat the kind of publicity will aid our run for congress? you swine, you. you're out she's out. you country cornpone bitch--hey, you trailer trash bitch, you still looking for your daddy, beat you up, to show he loves you? looking for your daddy, fuck you and mark you up, an. della vigna was disgraced and blinded for his betrayal of his emperor's trust- -through avarice. avarice and hanging are linked in the ancient and the madeadeval mind. you will be interested in this, commandatore, as there are two pazzi's already in dante's inferno. camicion de pazzi, as you know, murdered a kinsman, and rests in hell awaiting the arrival of a second pazzi. but it's not you: it's carlino, who will rest forever in hell for the crime of treachery. it says pazzi. pazzi. and a rude, a very rude poem, this is your ancestor. francesco, hanging outside the palazzio vecchio. outside these very windows. if you tell me what i need to know, then it would be convenient for me to leave without my meal. and mrs. pazzi will remain unscathed. i'll out the questions to you, and we'll see: i saw at the theatre you had betrayed me. and, when the police didn't come, it was clear you had sold me out. was it to mason verger? blink one for yes. was that a single blink? yes. thank you. would it help if i were to cut your bowels out? he will find a way. i was trying. ah. but she's asleep. so important. it's going to be long? sad day. mapp shrugs, gets up, goes to the door, turns back. why dontcha gimme the gun? n'then they took me off. i saw. i saw. clear as day, do you, do they call it a delusion? his hat an his badge. clear as day, bulletholes and all. i'm sorry. i'll have to take this in the other room. one moment. mapp. get me ardelia mapp. well. get in touch with her. tell her. this is not a personal message. i. yaaasss. and how are you this evening, doctor? no, we know that you're awake. good evening, dr. lechter. thank you for coming. i am sorry that we could not meet under more pleasant circumstances. but you will recall what the last time we met, you drugged me, and induced me, in that state, to scrape my face off and thank you, cordell. but will that satisfy you? let's talk like two medical men (he produces a small case, stay with me now, fuss with it. whatsay we call your banker now, tell him a code. move that money to me, he confirms it, and i fix you up right now. suitcase. locker. unmarked hundreds. our other option is to beat you for a while, with this axe handle, here. i suppose this is what it feels like. make it last, make it last, for godsake, make it last. don't "hurt" him! on the ground, on the ground. i'm going to subdue our friends, coming down the hill, and i want you to cuff em, and to put em inside with the other fella. my car is mr. verger? mr. verger, sir? he's ready. angle on cordell, as he leaves the trussed lechter, stepping over starling, and proceeds back toward the gurney, which is yes. you shall have it. that every man is fallible, that every institution, being made of men, cannot but be corrupt. :and that is the especial surprise, i've prepared for you! you must eat. the gift, of course is not the meal-- but the identification--which of us does not need help? the identity, of your true enemy? . for you always sought to befriend, to wish the love of those who wished you ill. this lovely evening, in particular. it seems to reward me with clarity. angle her pov the open window, the shades blowing. ohmigod. give me your gun.