aren't they beautiful, miss starling. for the worst hurt, of course, that which will not heal, is the conviction no one cares. ah, yes, ah yes. our doctor lechter. and have they sent you, once again to capture him? how terrible for you. because we must leave the past in the past. because? and why would you suspect me, of this ghoulishness? large resources, starling, which i prefer to devote elsewhere. my encounter. yes, but we know who it was, and i will tell you, agent starling, what you know to be true. i offered the bounty. it was illegal, and, worse, it was wrong. and i thank god every day that i did not compound my sinful life by the stain of a murder. do you agent starling: do you know god? isn't it funny? you can look on my face which you would grant me, is the most hideous sight you will see in what i hope is a long life. you can look at me. which shows a strength which must come from strong strong convictions. but you shy when i say the name of god. i have not, i would not. for life life goes on starling. and, wait, wait, i wish to talk to you. i'm. one moment. i was afflicted, do you see, but my affliction was not in my meeting with your dr. lechter. i was afflicted before. before. do you see? in my arrogance. do not do not curse god when you are humiliated. listen to me: embrace it, and you embrace life. listen, and you hear the word of god. are you franklin ? where do you live? in and out. yes. and mama. and mama, is not your real mama, is she franklin? she's not the first foster that you've had. is she? do you like it at your home, franklin? yes. yes. yes. franklin, you can't live there anymore. with mama and shirly and kittykat. you have to go away. the government says. mama has lost her job, so she can't be your foster mother. the police found a marijuana cigarette in your home. you can't see mama anymore. or shirley. or kitty cat. that's what the government says. can we identify it as dr. lechter? why did he come back? why did he come back? why did the boy turn back? he turned back into the room. where have we seen it before. the puppy comes back. if you lie on the ground. the puppy with return. why? do you know why? to kill you. it it's time to step up the pressure on our sweet miss starling. . call our friend at the f.b.i. and, instead of finding lechter, let's help him find us. do it. make them eat the figurine. yes. it's all a question of bait--isn't it? is it necessary to know? oh, no, no. it won't be that long. where was the call from. make plans for lechter's abduction. that operation has begun. are we god, that we would meddle with it? no, on the other hand. waal, nobody's perfect. what do we hear from our songbird in switzerland? quod videt monumentum, circumspice. need i translate? show me the pigs. how do you like it? tell me the good news. have the child taken to bed. follow starling, stake out starling. increase the pressure on starling. he will come to her. yes. good. no. he will come. he will come. do not let up on our angel starling. no. now you must keep a constant watch on her. use your toys--a transmitter in her car, a. keep her in your sight. do not let up, and he will come back for the wounded bird. why should you care? are you done? you don't wish to beg? explain in depth the plan we have for him. until tomorrow. oh yes. oh, yes, come here. come here. up lad, when the journey's over, they'll be time enough for sleep. i'm awake. oh. is it time! ohforgodsake, get on with it. what's happening, would you please? you're free. yes, to cease to hope is the greatest crime. the greatest crime. perhaps the only crime. i never ceased to hope! and what would be of greater help, than to release her, from the bonds of this sordid earthly existence. don't you think? in which the innocent are after you' re dead. and when i give the word, do you understand. when i give the word. when i.