not right now. but i'm gonna have to let out a little more. holy shit! sheriff! sheriff! sheriff, come in! i'd love to help you, sheriff, but i can't leave! if the water goes over the top again it's bye-bye, dam! bye- bye, town! in fact, i could use a little help up here myself. hey, i was the one who got the dumb son-of-a-bitch to come out. anyone mind telling me what the hell is going on? in his boat, right behind them, all dressed up in hunting gear, rifle at the ready. seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars? damn straight i'm okay with that. motor into view. shoots back. curses and pulls back, too. whistles and gets wayne's attention. he motions wayne to try it again. has his rifle resting on his boat's windshield and is firing off a clip on automatic as he, wayne and the sheriff close in. keeps up his stream of gunfire. where's wayne going? yeah, but -- aren't we gonna wait for wayne? the fire's not catching. the rain's too -- looks up, realizing that tom will be able to shoot down on him. he reverses his boat fast under the balcony as. is firing up at tom through the floor of the balcony. is still shooting up as. dives to the floor of his boat as tom's shotgun blasts blow plate-sized holes in the church doors. starts to get up from the bottom of his boat, searching for a clip for his gun. fumbles with the bullet clip. kill him! kill him! slams the clip into his gun and levels it at tom. draws a bead on jim and is about to shoot when. is rocked back, thrown off balance. he starts to spin and bring his gun around when. in the side of the head. hank crumples and falls into the water, taking his rifle with him. it's topped out. how should i know? it's an old dam! not long. we gotta go faster! goes skipping over the water and slams into a streetlight post. oh my god. swims for the alley. swims for it. he hears the rushing roar of the advancing flood. he expects the flood to blow by the end of the alley. wrong. dives clear just as. relief in his eyes. he gets to the fire escape and is climbing to safety when. barely has time to scream.