tom shuts the door. he piles the weapons on a shelf. he sees jim touch his head. jim and tom are by one of the stained glass windows, looking out through a pale-colored pane at the sheriff and his men across the street. they watch hank race off. jim is by the window, looking out at the sheriff and wayne across the street in the shadows. he turns as. tom watches wayne drive off with karen. tom finishes reloading a gun. tom and jim duck down as. jim and tom hear a creaking and look up. a small chunk of burning ceiling drops down. jim and tom look up. just then. the sheriff, phil and wayne scan the water, looking for movement. the sheriff turns to phil and nods re: jim. the sheriff hesitates. the siren wails. jim keeps his gun leveled at the sheriff and hank, standing in the water, as he pulls the money bags up from the forward hold. jim, the sheriff and hank react to the silence. jim looks off. phil is grabbing for the sheriff's boat as the sheriff and hank zoom out of the church, leaving him behind. phil hears the roar. he looks around, lost. the roar is building, getting louder. phil sees something in the water and reaches for it, frantically. he gets it. it's.