karen is unconscious. wayne has her laying on the stairs leading up from the entry area to the second floor. there's three feet of water in the house. karen's legs are in the water. her hands are handcuffed to a railing attached to the wall, running up the stairs. wayne stands over karen, pats her face. karen has her pants back on. she reaches out with one foot and hooks wayne's holster off the banister. she flips it through the air and catches it with her hands. she opens little leather pockets -- mace, more bullets. no keys. karen starts to panic. the water is up to karen's chin. her hands are working frantically beneath the water. karen undoes a last screw in a metal support. she reacts to the siren -- uh-oh. karen tilts her head back to keep her lips and nose above water. and then she hears a window smash. she turns as. tom swims down into the living room. his light shows a couch, chairs, tv set. books and newspapers are suspended in the water. karen hears the groaning, ripping as the house tears free from water and sewer lines. she's looking down for tom when there's a snap and the light above her goes out. karen doesn't have much time left. the water is washing over her mouth and nose. and just as she's about to go under.