you're gonna be able to buy a helluva lot of bibles, huh, ray? me? first thing i'm gonna do is get my brother a lawyer. best that money can buy. thirty in. security guard. "in the commission" all he's got is a piece of shit p.d. now i'm gonna be able to afford him a good lawyer -- a guy with a haircut. shit, jim. i don't do crossword puzzles. mention money again and. yeah, jim. you got it right. is fired up on adrenalin. he has his rifle up and is aiming it. stiffens. shoots off another few quick rounds. doesn't hear jim and keeps firing. he was going for his gun! he was going for his gun! were you a preacher or something? you got religion? what do we do? deep enough for what? what about this monster? sees something else he likes. we don't see what it is. oh, jim? hears the gasp, turns, grinning. enemy sub off the port bow! guns his engine and takes off after tom. comes around the corner, grinning when he sees. guns it, racing forward down the hall toward tom. full steam ahead! keeps going. he flies through the air, slams headfirst into a trophy case and drops into the water. rises out of the water, blood running down his face, pistol up. fires, misses and is knocked to the side as. nice driving, buttwipe! sorry to interrupt bible study and all, but has no one but me noticed how completely screwed we are? we should be back in the motel room, counting out the money. instead -- what the hell's his problem? all the money in the world ain't worth a goddamn nickel if you get caught. it's not like there won't be other jobs. comes screaming in on the jet-ski. he dives off the jetski, gets a hold of tom and pulls him under. hey! i got him! i got him! still stunned, finally hears the sizzling and looks over at. starts swimming fast toward. grabs onto. feels pretty pleased with himself until. is hit by the voltage and his teeth clamp shut and his body goes rigid and his clothes explode in flames. is fried, smoking. he falls off the tv antenna and hits the water with a loud and ugly hiss. he floats away, his body shaking spasmodically. still twitching. jesus, god, it hurts! it hurts! jesus, i can't stop shivering. i know you didn't want me to come. my dad'd sure be pissed off, huh? hey -- hey the pain's goin'. oh, man. when you said i was gonna be okay, i thought you were just shittin' me. lifeless and limp.