"thus saith the lord; behold, waters shall rise up out of the north and be an overflowing flood and all the inhabitants of the land shall howl." jeremiah 47:2. what's he facing? he cap a cop or something? "i shall bring floodwaters upon the earth to destroy all that lives under the heavens and every creature that has the breath of life in it shall perish." genesis 6:17. obviously. you teach your students how to make things like that? now why'd he have to go and do a thing like that? shit, jim, we're stealing. can't we take anything we want? ray goes off down a hall while kenny idles in the lobby. kenny? see him? gives chase. is on his tail. i'm glad you're enjoying this, kenny, but if he's dead, how do we find the money? "with a raging flood he makes an end of those who oppose him, and pursues his enemies into darkness." from one of the more obscure -- you may have more of these in you, kenny, but jim doesn't. jim, it could be anywhere. it might not even be in the school. the water hits him hard, knocking him off the jet-ski. he's swept away by the water. slammed up against the fence, pinned to it, water rushing over and around and by him. he yells as the wire cuts into him. why don't we just get him? what the hell's going on? you teach your students stuff like that? no wonder they kicked you out. excuse me, jim. i hate to interrupt and all, but could we just get the money and get the hell out of here? "at night we'd go down to the river and into the river we'd dive." springsteen, "the river." i'm all out of bible quotes. oh for christs -- i'm gonna shoot him, jim. floating in the water, dead, pistol still jammed in his pants.