so, are we all going to die? don't answer that, phil. hank says he's gonna open another gate. we're gonna get another rise. well, you would be if you wanted to get the last couple of paychecks some bastard owed you. you know, bob, as much as i'd love to stand here all day talking about how great i am, if you don't get moving i'm gonna have to haul your sorry ass off to jail. you wanna know how to get the best revenge on the mayor and his boys? you do exactly what we're doing. you protect the town. you protect it better than they would. better than they ever could. any looter that comes in here is in for a big surprise, cause as long as i'm still wearing this pointy thing. . nobody's taking anything from this town. henry, i saw you. come on out. henry, i'm not leaving until you come out. what are you still doing here? that's illegal, doreen. you don't need to set traps. that's not happening this time. you can't stay, you know that. good. god'll understand if you have to drown her in the basement, henry. what are you doing here? karen, did you think the order was for everyone but you to evacuate? what if he'd had a gun, karen? a lot of these looters carry guns. look, son, what were you doing in the church? how much money did you have? no, i don't think so. you took the money, didn't you. jesus, wayne, use your head. if he hadn't hidden it, they woulda killed him, too. you got any id? get out two rifles and a shotgun. well, yes, wayne, i do. and even if i didn't, i'd say we sure as hell had an obligation to check it out, don't you think? no, i think you better stay put. but that was -- wayne, what's the worst that's ever happened to you? when old mrs. dugan went after you with a knife? this guy just got shot at! smart move with the money. wayne and i'll check out the cemetery. you escort slugger. . out of town. get her to some high ground, then come on back. not any more you don't. wayne. and they're gonna regret that, i guarantee you. they're gonna regret coming anywhere near this town tonight. and out he goes. phil, take karen's boat. wayne. you locked him in. is he dead? who? let's hear it, phil. shut up, both of you. let's go find karen; see if she's got him. where was he going? hank, remember when mike crane holed up in jack finch's barn and said he was gonna burn it down? right. and before you went in, i deputized you, you dumb son-of-a- bitch! so when i say get down here, it's not a request, it's an order. so get down here! now! i won't need you for long. and bring your gun. hold your fire! okay. hey, hank. that money i told you about? from the armored car? we're gonna keep it. three million dollars. four ways. seven fifty apiece. you okay with that? hank? you okay with that? then i guess you've never been hunting with hank. we got two behind that crypt. get 'em. come on now, phil. they're looters, phil! they come and steal from an armored truck in our town -- they're looters. no, they're witnesses. jeez, phil, i always thought wayne was the stupid one. read my lips. three million dollars. look at it! a couple of those bags are gonna be yours, phil. i'm the what? for twenty years i've been eating shit, breakfast, lunch and dinner. well, tonight i'm changing the menu! from now on everything i eat is gonna be shit-free! can i make it any clearer, phil? do you want me to draw pictures? oh for -- okay, phil. but here's how it's gonna go. i'm gonna hear one of two things out of you. either i'm gonna hear you say you're in with us, or. . i'm gonna hear a bullet come out of that gun and go into me. seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars or. . you kill me. your choice. there we go. then go get some bottles. it'll be fine. fuck the town. what're you doing? oh, for christsakes, just dump her here. just dump her here! wayne! goddamnit, we've gotta get them outta there! wayne! on a date. you all set? then let's go. we can get started without him, the dumb shit. he won't be long. besides, we got phil. phil's gonna earn his money on this, aren't you phil? they're not coming out, hank! we have to get them! we have to kill them! do you understand? if they're not dead, we got jack shit! where are they?! jesus! you take care of him! they went back to her house. it's -- hank? how much time we got? guess! then i'd say you boys better drop your guns. that's the deal! you let me and hank go -- with a few of these bags -- and i'll tell you where to find karen. it's the only way you're gonna find her! so, you just gonna kill me? you should've just killed me. yeah, you're right.