50s, with soft edges and friendly eyes. he's talking into his radio mike. gets out of the car. to the rescue. he and wayne and phil fire their guns. stops his boat. wayne stops, too. they are thirty yards from jim and tom. thinks for a second, then shrugs. squeezes the trigger as. smacks karen hard with his rifle and she tumbles out of the boat, unconscious. keeps firing. sees tom's shape in the water and is about to shoot when. is free of jim's grasp. he shakes off the electrical cord and turns to shoot. hesitates, then tosses his rifle into the boat. drops underwater. in his boat, shining a searchlight on them with one hand, a gun in the other. he starts shooting. is shooting down into the water at tom's moving shape. hears the sound and looks up as. who ducks down, just in time as. straightens up, grinning with glee that the boat missed him. and then he hears a piercing whine coming from behind him. he turns, just in time to see. starts to scream. is just some misshapen thing trailing red, floating in the water.