you won't report me, will you? inquiring minds want to know -- he did? -- can you hear me, john doe? i don't care what the doctors say, i know my words are reaching you somehow. i'm going to talk to you tonight. and tomorrow night . and the night after that. i'm going to keep talking to you till you come back -- yogi said it ain't over till it's over. till the fat lady sings. there's life in you, j.d., i feel it. i'll never give up on you, and you'll never give up on yourself -- besides . you've got so much to live for. sorry. i won't be long. still sleeping. it's bad enough when it's old people. but a young handsome guy -- you can have my orgasms, martha. i'll make up for 'em later. my name is andrea simpson. i'm calling from u.c.i. medical center. i'd like to speak with captain o'malley. i have a john doe coma patient, code access 461 zebra, with instructions to notify upon any change in condition. the patient has regained consciousness. this is u.c.i. medical center. you've been in a coma. your charts go back for seven years. it's all over the hospital. you're the first one that's come out of a coma of this duration. you'll probably be on the news! you'll be famous! please -- you're in no danger here. i'll have one of the aides take you down the hall for hydrotherapy. it'll help you relax. listen. i've got work to do. you're my cutest patient, but you're not my only one. backs through the double doors at the other end of the hall, trying to balance an overloaded tray of supplies she's carrying. she and ford are momentarily in full view of each other . but backs turned. suddenly -- ford hears andy! he spins . gun ready. my god! i'm sorry! sorry -- can't come in to work, are you crazy?! i can't even go to my apartment! people are dead, martha . no, i can't tell you where i am . you're better off not knowing -- i am freaking a.w.o.l. i mean, what am i gonna do with this guy -- i want to help him. my god, he needs it . but it's all over the t.v., he's some kind of crooked cop with drugs and murder and -- it's okay -- i'm here, i'm with you. i told you -- no one knows i'm here! i'm house-sitting. this place belongs to a doctor friend of my parents. he's in china now, on research. won't be back for six months. the medical center only has my apartment address. even my friends don't have this number. will you believe me?! we're safe here. we'll find your friend o'malley. we'll just keep phoning . i'll buy tickets to that. days? try a few weeks. danger is my middle name. hey, hey -- i don't think you get the picture here. your muscles have been getting electronic stimulation at the hospital, but it's not like actually being up and bearing weight. grabs his arm and helps him back onto the couch. she exits the room and comes back momentarily with a bowl of rice and begins to try to feed him. of course he takes the fork away and tries it himself, but by now his arms are so fatigued from the previous strain that they shake, his hand trembles and he misses his mouth -- getting the rice all down his beard. spilling a little too much to ignore and at first it looks like he's going to explode. he looks up at andy, who looks so sad. mata hari -- at your service. no problem. this is on my list for safeway every day. i'll be in the other room. that's enough! i don't care how many needles you stick in yourself or how much ginseng root you eat . you have to sleep if you're going to recover. that's an order! jesus -- what a patient! -- you can't compare blood pressure readings now with when you were in a coma. it's not going to give a true measure -- that's crazy -- it's martha's chicken scratches. even she can't read 'em. i'm. sorry . maybe i have the wrong number. i'm looking for kevin o'malley. my name is phyllis o'connor. i'm with the pension board of the los angeles police department. we have a misplaced check here for captain o'malley . i'm sorry, we're not allowed to do that. mrs. wade, i'll be honest with you -- i'm not from the police pension board. my name is andrea simpson, i'm a nurse from u.c.i. medical center. you probably have no connection to this, and what i'm about to say will sound completely absurd to you. my patient is a police officer named mason storm. he's in trouble and needs desperately to contact his friend, captain o'malley. if you have any idea how to contact captain o'malley, please help me. i can't do that. can i phone you? this is my number, mrs. o'malley. yes . you're right. i'm sorry. oh, i'm sorry . i didn't mean to interrupt. i, ah, well, i was just passing by and . appears in the doorway, returning from the kitchen with a tray and glasses. she wears a robe and has that mussed, after-lovemaking glow. mason, please i love you. why not?! yeah, i knew. what of it? i wanted you -- then who does?! i've risked my life for you -- you haven't stopped me! pick up, martha . pick up. get a hold of yourself, andy. you're really beautiful. martha! martha, it's me -- yes. yes -- martha's dead. i won't leave you. not ever again. here? how did you find him? are you crazy?! get us outa here -- what the hell are you doing?! there are no cops here! goddamit . for once, do something the non-violent way! oh, that's the best time for us to see it! then when you do come to sell, our office will know the upgrades you've made and we can market your home more effectively. fuck the tape. we gotta get this film to esposito or i'm gonna have a nervous breakdown. esposito won't be here yet. he said three-thirty. is that a steering wheel -- or a winchell's donut? sonny got away! he's with o'malley! o'malley's gat the tape -- they're heading for union station. watching them. touched deeply. then: o.s. sirens! that's a good question. out of here for sure. turns with sonny to see storm, through the back window of the cab, looking after them protective -- full of emotion. thinks for a moment. it's a long story. you got a few minutes? it takes a beat before she realizes what it is. then: hey . seven year storm! i told you you'd be famous. hey! why'd you do that?