jesus christ. strides forward into the crush. holland! captain holland! pushes his way toward holland. two uniformed cops in the crush along the way. o'malley comes up beside holland. let me tell you something, you piss- ant. that man in there was the cleanest i ever knew -- with more honor and guts than this whole department put together. if i ever hear you say fuck all like that again, i'll lose my shield to put you where you belong. taking over the show. we got two cops down, with money and drugs all over the place. this is straight from the commissioner. he was the most unstoppable sonofabitch i ever knew. (dully, showing slips the cassette into his pocket. o'malley makes a decision. turns intensely toward the doctor. who else knows he isn't dead? i want to see each one of them before they leave the room. no one else comes in as of right now. mason storm is going to vanish, doctor -- and you're gonna help make it happen. until he can give us some answers, the deader he is, the safer he is. -- it's sonny, all right. believe how big he got? he can throw a football forty yards -- he made it to my house, the night you got shot. i hid him, played it out like he was dead -- even staged a funeral, along with felicia's and yours. they bought it. everyone believed he was dead. trinity school in ventura. under my mother's maiden name, wade. no one has any idea he's your son. your nurse friend? yeah. she left your number, i traced you to here. just seeing your ugly ass alive, that's enough for me. you wouldn't happen to have a beer around this joint -- calabrese? calabrese's dead. someone blew the shit out of his cadillac -- six months after you 'died.' -- that night in the hospital, i found the audiotape . in your vest. i must've listened to it a thousand times -- looking for little quirks in the voices, phrases they repeat . i turned it in for evidence. that night there's a note in my locker -- letting me know it's not an accident. you know me, storm. i never would've backed off. but there was sonny to worry about too. what if they found him? what if they found you? consider it done. you got it, partner. you can always reach me through my mother. what about that nurse? she still in this? thanks for the brew! shit! it's okay, sport. it's okay. it's okay -- be careful you don't get any of that guck on your sweater . let me comb your hair before your old man gets here, it's stinking up in the back. i think i'm more nervous than you are, kid. we got out of my mother' place about two shakes ahead of the landlord . know what i mean? does a bear dump in the woods? are you kidding -- he's gonna love you. soon. make sure your father gets this . yeah. me and my son are visiting my mother in new mexico. sonny -- run! go! sonny -- get outta here! you don't deserve to wear your badge. with his last failing strength, o'malley raises the tire iron. nolan pumps him once, square in the chest, killing him.