daddy! i don't want you to go! you promise, dad? daddy . daddy, is e.t. gonna win? daddy what about my joke? who's there? old lady who? is that for me, dad? e.t. lost. i dunno. candy. why? -- we would have gave e.t. everything! yeah. daddy -- tell me a knock-knock. he falls! the rush of soccer action sweeps past him, down the field. sonny -- all attention focused on the game -- scrambles to his feet, legs churning to take off in pursuit of his friends. just as he gets his traction: i'm remembering both of you. and when my dad gets here -- malley! quit it, will you . you're making me more nervous than i am already. my father's going to be more interested in seeing the real me. my dad'll get 'em. you guys'll nail them all. you think he's gonna like me? let me see the tickets. did you get us one of those sleeping cars? what time is he getting here anyway? fuck you, jack! stops. gasping, breathless -- seeing the father he hasn't seen in seven years. where are we going? who are you? who's there? boo who?