i promise. he's got my vote. don't worry. i'll beat 'em off with a stick. knock knock. old lady. i didn't know you could yodel. karl . wake up. on the harbor . south of torrance. i got calabrese right in my gunsights. if i had a sidewinder missile, i could save the taxpayers a lot of money. here he goes. i'm shutting down the radio, partner. let's go, boys. i'm missing the oscars. i know you, calabrese. but who are these mystery guests? starts his camera soundlessly whirring. he positions his high-tech directional mike, slipping on earphones. knowing he's on to something super hot. who are you? get out of those shadows -- ducks quickly back out of sight. as he does this, his earphone cord catches on something. yanking the phone off storm's head. he cannot hear what the conspirators say next -- but the audience can. a quarter's a quarter. bolts back up the wharf, toward his car. this doesn't go out over the air, pal. for your ears only. calabrese. i just got his ass -- on candid camera. him and his gorilla vitale. i got film and audio on both of them, laying out a hit. two other guys i couldn't make out, but i'm sure they'll come up on the film. this is a big one, carlito. our own academy award. you ready? i want you to track down morgensteen right now. if he's with that meter maid from pico, crank her legs apart and pry him out of there. screw his happiness. tell him i want the lab open at six-thirty tomorrow morning. i want this film pushed to the max, and nobody but us to know about it. i know we got something here. i promised my kid i'd be home. i'll be at the lab before dawn. how ya doing? got any champagne? you're not watching the oscars? you got a phone back there? punch nine-one-one. we . ell . there's only three of you and you only got one shot left. i know what you're thinking. i have this big shotgun and all you have is that little icepick. mine's bigger than yours. it's not fair. still not fair? don't wait for the blindfold, maricon. i just got these new glazer bullets. you know they're almost a buck a pop now? i know that voice. wish i could sleep like that. you faker. who won? candy? you know why e.t. lost? cause they only let grownups vote. if kids had voted -- we would have given him everything. you know the rules. one joke a day. i have to make 'em last. it's okay. it's not mine. maybe you should be. a couple of things crossed my mind, in the car coming home. -- nurse . miss . please . they won't tell me . think i'm too disorient -- seven. years? who . who knows i'm awake? listen to me carefully -- -- andy. i don't have the strength to talk much. i'm a cop. my wife . family . murdered. that's how i got here. if you don't get me out . you and i . good chance . both be dead. goddamit -- can't stay here. listen to me - no -- sonofabitch! -- help me . seven years. geraldo? certain the world has gone insane. yeah, that esposito. the ignorant fuck who's broadcasting the news right now. tell him it's storm. mason storm. i can't stay here. they'll trace you from the hospital in two -- esposito? listen, you sonofabitch -- listen. i'm getting out of here. i just need some food -- and a few days to get my strength. you helped me, okay? i'm grateful. but every day you keep helping puts you in more danger. i've been dead, andy. you wouldn't like it. you're the one who doesn't get the picture. first of all, i ain't no fucking invalid! and second, i don't have time -- just some herbs i need for my recovery. that bad . huh? i slept for seven years? what's this reading? 555 over four digits -- i'll tell you what it is. it's a phone number. thanks. please. i'm sorry -- sorry. i -- why am i still in this fucking cage?! what's wrong with my body? why won't it heal faster?!! don't say that! because i can't love you! don't you see? it's seven years to anyone else. but it's only days for me. how can i be with you . how can i want you and take you, when -- you seduced me. you came in here, looking that way, knowing just what the hell you were doing -- you have no right to want me! who asked you to? not me! then don't risk it! don't do shit for me! i don't need you! stands in the midst of the graveyard, staring at -- o'malley. where is he now? is he safe? then that was your mother. the one andy found. o'mal . i can never thank you. i'd give my left arm to see sonny, just for two minutes. but we can't risk it -- not yet. not till i get calabrese. he did his thing -- then they waxed him. the two guys at the pier. they ordered the hit on me too. and i've got 'em on film. still in the camera, right where i left it. where is the tape? what happened, o'mal? to you? i'm sorry, o'mal. you did the right thing, o'mal. we'll get 'em, buddy. every fucking one of them. get sonny out of that school, o'mal. right now. with me alive and making a stink, whoever's on that film is going to be looking harder than ever for sonny -- just to get to me. get him someplace safe . three thousand miles away if you have to. i'm going straight to get that film. when you've got sonny safe, bring me the audiotape. we'll put 'em together and get 'em to esposito for the t.v. news. that should be quite a show. gone. for the best. for her best. i'm gonna take you to the bank, senator trent. the blood bank. i won't let you. o'malley was here. you found him. the old lady was his mother. and andy . my son's alive. hurls joe bear's massive body down upon the attackers! jones takes the tonnage head-on and is crushed beneath it! ford dodges, unleashes a burst of automatic fire straight up at the balcony. storm shoves andy to safety onto the exterior balcony and dives there himself, just as the whole interior balcony is riddled by ford's bullets! i know this fuck. he's a cop! slams through the metal gate with jeep blasting it. holland! the other man on the dock -- we just made the top of the chart, andy. every cop in the city thinks we shot our way out of a legitimate bust -- only 'cause they're too stupid. we need that film and we don't need any bullshit -- new wall . fucking yuppies! better have this place fumigated -- quick. o'malley left his mother's place three hours ago -- with the tape. he should be at the school by now, but she hasn't heard back from him. mrs. o'malley. sorry . listen. we're outside the century plaza now . the hotel. right, right. the one in century city. okay, listen closely . tell o'mal to leave a message for us at the hotel desk. leave it for andy . andrea smith. we're not gonna check in, it's too dangerous -- but the desk will hold the message if you tell them we're coming in this afternoon. got it? great. you're a champ, mrs. '0.' you're gonna call esposito. but not from this phone. hey, hermano! you want this jeep? fuckin' smoking. he'll be there. try o'malley one more time. if you hear any lions roaring, haul ass. don't worry. i'm a big boy. i haven't got the film on me. still in the camera. you know, trent . i could rip your fucking throat out before that sonofabitch over there could find the spit to sneeze. very well placed, trent. but did you know that human reaction time -- even the fastest -- is between half and three-quarters of second? and in that time, i could easily -- you think i care, motherfucker? just so i get you -- one way or the other. just tell me one thing. who pulled the trigger on me and my wife? his eyes flash across the lobby. he spots: shields andy. plainclothesman #1 steps out, whipping out his badge. suddenly storm grabs the cop with the badge in front of his face and uses him as a human battering ram for him and andy to escape, plunging the man through two layers of glass windows of the adjoining hertz rental office and out into the street in front of the hotel! andy follows through the newly formed exit. people scream. chaos. the other cops react in pursuit of storm and andy. from the roof of the next-to-last car roof in a line of parked vehicles soars through the air like a night eagle- setting what looks like a new world record in the long jump -- surprising nolan from the rear! slamming the cop to the ground in instant death. cracking his neck. relieved and overwhelmed, grabs his son and lifts him off the ground in a moment of salvation and triumph. they hold each other with all their strength. swiftly sliding through the shadows, he moves around the perimeter, pausing to examine things, searching for something. he finds an old storm gate to what would probably be a cellar or basement. out of nowhere appears at the door opposite the one holland just left by. he is dripping from the rain and has a .45 pointed at them with one hand, while with the other he holds a finger to his lips as if to say, "shhh, don't wake the baby." how's the action, boys? mind if i play? i know what you guys are thinking. you're thinking i couldn't play with this gun in my hand. right? well? somebody hand me a cue. that's for my wife. fuck you and die. how does it feel to know you're about to die? i'll give you more time than you and trent gave my wife. vernon, oh, verrrrrnon, where are you? let's see . where could that bad boy be? you know, trent, i want to kill you so bad i can barely contain myself. but i keep thinking that death is far too merciful a fate for you, and that a nice petite white-bread boy like you in a federal penitentiary . -- let me put it this way -- i doubt whether you could remain anal retentive for very long. yeah. i think that's best for you -- picks the tv up from andy's lap and, while it's still playing, heaves it over the side and into the drink! watching the last ripples from the sinking set. a moment between him and himself -- when the past is allowed to slip away, sink out of sight, making way for the future. knock, knock. boo. you don't have to cry about it. i love you both.