you told us this dock was clean -- moves into frame beside calabrese. the bareheaded shadow man with him is police captain dan holland -- 21 years on the force, hard as nails. whoever that sonofabitch is, i don't want him to get an hour older. knew storm from when i was city attorney . and he was a young homicide detective - we worked on. cases . together what makes people do this? will you tell me? will someone please tell me?!! six gang-related murders in one week. we're going to put a stop to it -- and we're going to start right here! i'll be talking with the mayor. we'll have a statement shortly -- how much dirt do i have to shovel into this goddam storm's grave? jesus christ! the man is flat out on a stretcher and you still can't kill him! holland -- plaster his ass with slime in the press. put a tail on every person he knows -- then start showing it. i'm starring in that sonofabitch's home movie -- and the oscar is thirty years in the slammer. he's toast, understand? we're going to end violence in this state -- and you can take that to the bank! and you can take that to the bank! turns to his men and to holland. i want 24-hour surveillance on this sonofabitch. what a day, huh? beautiful! want some nuts? i didn't think you would. sit down. take a load off. you do have the film somewhere, i assume? developed yet? good. very good. that way i know you haven't duplicated it. oh, i'm sure you could, storm. but not before one of those other gentlemen, across the way, could put a fifty-caliber slug through your brainpan. you could kill me now, storm -- but you'll die two seconds later. reach into my jacket pocket. reach in! i want that film and the tape. i'll give you three hours. hate poisons people. let go of it. bring that film, mr. storm. three hours. i want dunne and the others here. that goddamn storm is nuts enough to come after me -- i'm up to here with caution! this lives on alfalfa sprouts and bean curd, he ain't gonna die of natural cause. yeah? well, the next time i read about him, it better be in the obituaries.