better ruck tomorrow! frustrated, harold turns around and continues driving. extreme! they take off, driving by harold and kumar. harold gives them a pissed off look as they drive away. extreme! yeah man, on a scale from one to ten-- one being not so extreme, ten being extremely extreme, i'd give it a nine point five. meanwhile, all the extreme sports punks begin going crazy throughout the store, knocking food off the shelves, bothering other customers. the indian cashier begins yelling at them in hindi. extreme sports punk #1 casually looks through a shelf of various kinds of snack chips, discarding them one after an other. finally, he stumbles upon extreme cheddar doritos. he goes apeshit over his find. extreme cheddar! he tears open the bag and starts pouring them into his mouth, getting the chips all over the place. the indian cashier is still yelling. cole picks up the cashier. hey, cole! look! cole turns to see harold in his car. kumar is about to get in the passenger's side. cole and the punks start running towards the car! kumar sees this and quickly gets inside. harold puts the car in reverse, nearly hitting the punks. dude, that was so not extreme!