heeey, man. lookin' to toke up? kumar breathes a sigh of relief. yo, man! not cool! this is my baby, man! that'll be eighty bucks. i'm not your bro. bro. and if you feel like staying sober, go ahead, don't buy it. that's cool with me. i can find lots of people who want to get high. i can smoke it myself, man. one who understands the concept of supply and demand, dude. kumar and the hippie asshole stare each other down. after a couple seconds, kumar shakes his head, pissed off. he takes out his wallet and hands all his cash to the hippie asshole. dumbass. suddenly, christy and clarissa approach carrying take-out bags. they see kumar and the hippie asshole making their deal. yeah. wanna come back to my place? hey, my poetry isn't lame! it's actually quite good. the girls clearly aren't convinced. the ignore him and turn to kumar. hippie asshole is oblivious to the fact he's not part of the crowd. yeah, see you there. the twins walk away. kumar's excited. hippie asshole tries to pound fists with kumar like they're all of a sudden friends. kumar snubs him and runs off. not cool, man. uh, yeah. there's like, two hundred of them in this dorm. `tard. cindy can't help but feel a little stupid. where the hell is 109, man? harold is about to avoid him, but kumar grabs harold close and the two of them bash into the hippie asshole-- knocking aw, dude! don't take it! it's mine! he continues to protest as security guard #2 holds him down. mom-- please take me home. the mom leaves, with hippie asshole clinging to her like a frightened child. palumbo shakes his head and sits down at his desk, where we see hippie asshole's big bag of weed, along with harold's wallet and laptop. he then starts filing a report on harold. harold looks at officer palumbo through the bars.