yo, man, thanks for picking me up. harold and kumar look at neil and then look at each other. they are in complete shock. harold is no longer angry. yep. hey, that's great. do you think we could get going? i'm bored as shit back here. dude, i humped every piece of ass ever on that show. no, i didn't go all the way with her. i don't even know where the fuck i am right now. i was at this party earlier tonight, and this dude hooked me up with some killer x. somehow i ended up getting thrown out of a moving car, and i've been tripping balls ever since. harold and kumar both find this to be quite strange. dude, forget white castle. what we need is some pussy. it's a fucking sausage fest in here. let's get us some poon-tang. then we'll go to white castle. i've been craving burgers too. fur burgers, that is. you guys kept talking about white castle last night. it made me start craving it too. yeah. sorry about that. like i said, i was tripping balls last night. i don't know what came over me. your car's out in the parking lot. here are the keys. neil tosses harold the car keys. i know. it was a dick move on my part. that's why i'm paying for your meal. harold and kumar look at each other, relieved. here's fifty for the meal, and two hundred for the car. i made some love stains in the back seat. you'll see. anyway, take it easy guys. i'll see you around. wherever god takes me. with that, neil walks out of the restaurant. harold and kumar look at each other, confused.