bingo. i found them. and i'm gonna need back-up. oh boy! we got a chase on our hands! what the hell? he puts his foot on the brakes, bringing the car to a screeching halt. officer brucks gets out of the car and looks around wondering where the yellow jeep went. he then hears the sound of it appears they've escaped. they ditched their jeep. officer brucks opens the front door of the car and peers inside. he notices the bag of weed on the dashboard. he opens it and tastes some weed in the same way a drug cop would taste cocaine during a bust. good news. i found enough dope in the car to send those skateboard punks to jail for the next couple years. looks like they've terrorized their last convenience store. suddenly, officer brucks realizes that the taste in his mouth is strangely appealing. he thinks for a beat as he eyes the bag of weed. he then takes another taste of it. he looks again at the bag. like kumar, we can tell that he's in love.