for being black. i am serious. you wanna know what happened? harold nods. i was walking out of a barnes and noble, and a cop stops me. evidently, a black man robbed a store in newark. therefore, since i'm black, it was probably me, right? harold shrugs his shoulders. well that was the logic the cop used. i told him i haven't even been to newark in months. then he pointed a gun at me and told me to stop resisting arrest. i said, "hey, i'm not resisting anything." so he starts beating me with his gun, screaming at me, telling me to stop resisting. i kept saying, "i understand that i'm under arrest. please stop beating me." but that didn't work. then another cop showed up. then another. when it was all said and done, it took nine cops to bring me in here. son, i'm fat. i'm black. i can't dance. and i have two gay fathers. i've had people messing with me my whole life. i learned a long time ago, there's no point in getting all riled up every time a bunchy of idiots gives you a hard time. because in the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should. so what are you in here for? they tried to pin that shit on you too? hey, i'm trying to read here. what? oh, not again! the cops handcuff nathaniel to the leg of a desk, and run over to the jail cell, ignoring kumar and the weed. i'm not trying to escape! look at me, i'm sitting down! they turn the key that is already in the keyhole and storm into the room. harold stands back, confused. tarik leans against the wall, ready to be handcuffed. the cops grab him and throw him down against the bed. what happened last night was a complete moral travesty. my family and i are outraged and will not settle for anything less than justice. 11: