what a night! nine raids! nine! well now. who are you? good lord, are you really? ron's told us all about you, of course. when did you get here? did you now! how'd it go?! i. i mean. that was very wrong, boys. very wrong indeed. so, harry. you must know all about muggles. tell me, what exactly is the function of a parking meter? harry is about to answer, when he notices an owl soaring toward the kitchen window. to harry's horror, the owl doesn't pull up. it just flies. smack!. into the glass. dumbledore must know you're here, harry. doesn't miss a trick, that man. so you're dentists! fascinating! i understand other muggles quite fear you? why is that? ron! harry! it's mad in here. let's go outside. lucius. we have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, lucius.