har-ry pot-ter! i warned you. if you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go. and have you sending secret messages to your freaky little friends? no, sir. i should think you'd be more grateful. we raise you since you were a baby, give you food off our table, even let you have dudley's second bedroom. purely out of the goodness of our hearts. which should be any moment. now. let's run through our schedule one more time. petunia, when the masons get here, you will be -- good. and dudley? excellent. and you? too right you will. with any luck, this could well be the day i make the biggest deal of my career. doorbell rings. instantly, uncle vernon shoves harry out of the kitchen and into the hallway. upstairs! hurry! don't mind that. it's just the. cat. our cat, tiger. they arrive at the ninth hole and -- dobby's yelps interrupt, ringing out from above. not to worry. i'll sort it out. what the devil are you doing up here! you've just ruined the punch line of my japanese golfer joke. one more sound and you'll wish you'd never been born, boy! he stomps flat-footed from the room and slams the door. harry lets dobby out of the wardrobe. i'm sorry. it's our nephew. very disturbed. meeting strangers upsets him, so we kept him upstairs. go on. read it. '. are not permitted to perform spells outside school.' you didn't tell us you weren't allowed to use magic at home. slipped your mind, didn't it? well, i've got news for you, boy. i'm locking you up! and if you try to magic yourself out, they'll expel you! you're never going back to that school! never! petunia! he's getting away! as harry leaps for the windowsill, uncle vernon charges forward and snatches his ankle. harry tumbles into the darkness, one hand gripping hedwig's cage, the other reaching out and. catching ron's at the last possible second. uncle vernon puts both hands to harry's ankle, pulls harder. ron braces himself, pulls back. harry hangs, stretched high over the lawn, directly above the mangled steel bars. closeup: harry's hand begins to slip from ron's fingers. inside of cage: hedwig pecks feverishly at the lock. close-up: ron. panicked. oh no, boy! you and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere! close-up: harry's hand begins to slip away from ron's. inside of cage: hedwig pecks harder and. the cage