hermione. bad dream. when did you get here? last night. where are we actually going? yes sir. this way. pleasure to meet you too sir. why are they all standing around that manky old boot? what's a 'portkey'? thanks. see ya later cedric. i love magic. what is that? crime? what crime? those people tonight, in the masks. they're his too aren't they? they're his followers. there was a man. before. there. i dunno. i didn't see his face. it's alright i'll get it. oh no thank you i'm not hungry. i'm fine. well there's something you don't see every day. i don't know but i don't think it's pumpkin juice. yeah well rather you than me. no sir. no sir. yes sir. let you know what? i didn't ask for this to happen ron. okay? you're being stupid. i didn't put my name in that cup. i don't want eternal glory i just wanna be. look, i don't know what happened tonight and i don't know why, it just did ok. it's a broomcupboard. oh, no. i'm fourteen. i dunno i haven't really thought about it. fourteen. no i didn't enter. hey, my eyes aren't glistening with the ghosts of my past. agh! sirius? sirius?! how. no! i dunno. no. umm. voldemort was giving him a job to do. something important. he wanted. me. i dunno why, but he was gonna use this man to get to me. i mean it was only a dream right? what are you saying? do you think one of them put my name in the goblet? i'm not ready for this sirius. someone's coming! who says i was talking to anyone. maybe you're imagining things, wouldn't be the first time. neville! you're doing it again! magical water plants of the highland lochs? is that right? well. what? well you can tell ronald. yeah i brought the cloak. hagrid where are we going? what's with the flower? hagrid have you combed your hair? dragons? that's the first task? you're joking. ron was here? no he didn't. he didn't tell me a thing. thanks. excuse me. can i have a word? dragons. that's the first task. they've got one for each of us. yes. don't worry about it. you're a right foul git you know that? i know so. yeah. stay away from me. i don't give a damn what you or your father thinks malfoy. he's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic. oh. um. you know i just thought i'd. um. i dunno. i can fly. i mean i'm a fair flyer. but i'm not allowed a broom. yeah. battle a dragon. the horntail. nothing. who wants me to open it? you want me to open it? what the bloody hell was that? caught on have you. took you long enough. brilliant. that makes me feel loads better. hagrid warned me about the dragons. who could possibly figure that out? that's completely mental. well it does match your eyes. is there a bonnet? oi! never gonna let him forget this are you? why do they always have to travel in packs? how are you supposed to get one alone to ask them. i think i'd take the dragon right now. but then again he can take himself. agreed. cho! ok thanks. cho? um. i just wondered if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me? um. i was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me. ok. great. fine. no problem. good. what happened to you? what did she say? don't be silly. what did you do then? hey! my dress robes. well i expect yours are more traditional. leave it alone. who? because we'd take the mickey out of her if she did. ready professor? no. yeah she does. what? really? i had no idea. i suppose viktor's already figured it out. what's that supposed to mean? cedric. spectacular. forget about it. i'm sure you would have done the same for me. i must be out of my mind. myrtle! polyjuice potion! kicked the habit. myrtle, did you say try putting it in the water? myrtle, there aren't merpeople in the black lake are there? come seek us where our voices sound. an hour long you'll have to look. potentially problematic? when was the last time you held your breath under the water for an hour hermione? neville. no offense, but i really don't care about plants. now if there's a tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour then great. you're sure about this neville. for an hour. most likely? you're telling me this now? you must be joking. well that makes you sight better than ron and hermione. where are they anyway? do i? but she's my friend too! hermione i finished last hermione. mr crouch? i can come back later professor. agh! professor? sir, mr crouch's son, what happened to him? it's just that i had a dream about him. it was in the summer, before school. in the dream i was in a house and voldemort was there only he wasn't quite human, and wormtail was there too and mr crouch's son. yes. always the same one. sir. these dreams, what i see, you don't think it's actually happening do you? yes sir. bubble juice sir? i haven't stolen anything. fleur? fleur! no stop! he's bewitched cedric. he's bewitched! for a moment so did i. some game. together, on three. one, two, three! yeah, you? i've been here before. i've been here before in a dream. cedric, we have to get back to the cup? now! get back to the cup! cedric! don't touch him. have it your way. he's back, he's back! voldemort's back. cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. i couldn't leave him, not there. not so much now. the cup was a portkey. someone had bewitched it. who? i dunno. it was like i'd fallen into one of my dreams. one of my nightmares. um. i don't think i said anything about a graveyard professor. it was you from the beginning. you put my name in the goblet of fire. you bewitched krum. but. that's moody, but then who's? professor, when i was in the graveyard there was a moment. um. when voldemort's wand and mine sort of connected. no i don't think so. yes. Yeah. Every week.