that stupid roof. alastor moody. ministry malcontent. and your new defence against the dark arts teacher. i'm here because dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end. any questions? when it comes to the dark arts, i believe in a practical approach. but first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are? and they are so named? will earn you a one way ticket to azkaban. correct. now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. i say different! you need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find somewhere else to put your chewing gum other than the underside of your desk mr finnigan! so, which curse shall we see first? weasley! give us a curse. ahhh yes, your father would know all about that. gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. perhaps this will show you why. hello. what a little beauty. don't worry. completely harmless. but if she bites. she's lethal! what are you laughing at? talented isn't she? what shall i have her do next? jump out the window? drown herself? scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only do did you-know-whose bidding under the influence of the imperious curse. but here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars? another. another. come on come on. longbottom is it? up. professor sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology. correct! correct! come come. particularly nasty. the torture curse. perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse miss granger. the killing curse. only one person is known to have survived it. and he's sitting in this room. son. you alright? come on, we'll have a cup of tea. i want to show you something. the hell he is. the goblet of fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object, only an exceptionally powerful conjurer could have hoodwinked it. magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year. it was once my job to think as dark wizards do karkaroff perhaps you remember? i can do that. i'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned. teaching. technically it's a ferret. is that a threat! i could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! it doesn't end here! he might've mentioned it. come with me. that's a foal glass. lets me keep an eye on my enemies. if i can see the whites of their eyes they're standing right behind me. wouldn't even bother telling you what's in ther. you wouldn't believe it if i did. now. what are you going to do about your dragon? sit. listen to me potter. your pal diggory, by your age he could take a whistle into a watch and have it sing you the time. miss delacour, she's as much a fairy princess as i am. as for krum, his head may be filled with sawdust but karkaroff's is not. they'll have a strategy, and you can bet that it'll play to krum's strengths. hmm? come on potter. what are your strengths? better than fair the way i heard it. you're allowed a wand. hate to break up this scholar session but professor mcgonagall would like to see you in her office. not you potter, just weasly and granger. exactly. presumably potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. go. now! longbottom! why don't you help potter put his books back. put that in your mouth. bartimus! not trying to lure potter into one of the ministry's summer internships are we? last boy who went into the department of ministries never came out! and they say i'm mad. excuse me gentlemen, it may interest you to know that this conversation is no longer private. yeah took a piece of me with him though didn't he. champions! prepare yourselves. are you alright potter? does it hurt? i'd better take a look at it. what was it like? what was he like? the dark lord. what was it like to stand in his presence? were there others? in the graveyard, were there others? marvellous creatures dragons aren't they? do you think that miserable oaf would have led you into the woods if i hadn't suggested it? do you think cedric diggory would have told you to hold the egg under the water if i hadn't have told him first myself? do you think neville longbottom the witless wonder could have provided you with gilliweed if i hadn't have given him the book that led you straight to it? huh?? you won because i made it so potter. you ended up in that graveyard tonight because it was meant to be so. and now the deed is done. the blood that runs through these veins runs within the dark lord. imagine how he will reward me when he learns that i have once and for all silenced the great harry potter. albus dumbledore. no.