bloody hell. don't know. hey dad! where are we going? blimey dad, how far up are we? there's no one like krum. he's like a bird the way he rides the wind. he's more than an athlete, he's an artist. been looking for you for ages. thought we lost you. packet of drewbals and a liquorice wand. on second thought, just the drewbals. just the drewbals, thanks. loads according to dad, that's what worried them so much. happened right under their noses. blimey it's him, viktor krum! bloody hell, it's mad-eye moody. he was a catcher. half the cells in azkaban are full thanks to him. he's supposed to be mad as a hatter though these days. yes. well, my dad did tell me about one. the imperious curse. brilliant isn't he! completely demented of course. terrifying to be in the same room with, he's really been there you know. eternal glory, be brilliant wouldn't it? in three years from now we'll be old enough to be choosen. how did you do it? never mind. doesn't matter. you could have let your best friend know though. you know bloody well what. yeah that's me, ron weasley. harry potter's stupid friend. piss off. who you talking to? i heard voices. you're probably just practicing for your next interview i expect. you think so? anything else? fine. i reckon you'd have to be barking mad to put your own name in the goblet of fire. wasn't just me who thought you'd done it. everyone was saying it behind your back. at least i warned you about the dragons. oh no no, i did. don't you remember? i told hermione to tell you that seamus told me that parvati told dean that hagrid was looking for you. seamus never actually told me anything, so it was really me all along. i thought you'd be alright, you know, after you figured that out. yeah it is isn't it. suppose i was a bit distraught. thank you nigel. not now nigel. later. go on. i told him i'd get him harry's autograph. oh look mum's sent me something. mum sent me a dress?? ginny these must be for you. what are you on about? dress robes? for what? something's about to burst out of hilary but i don't think it's a swan. where? blimey harry, you slayed dragons. if you can't get a date who can? this is mad. at this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates. well, us and neville! now i'm really depressed. well hermione, you're a girl. come on. it's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. for a girl it's just sad. bloody hell. look. we've just got to grit our teeth and do it. tonight when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners. agreed? there she was walking by. you know i like it when they walk. i couldn't help it, it just sort of slipped out. what else? i ran for it. i'm not cut out for this harry. i don't know what got into me. bloody hell. what are those?? well they're alright. no lace, no dodgy little collar. traditional?? they're ancient! i look like my great aunt tessie. i smell like my great aunt tessie. murder me harry. poor kid, bet she's alone in her room crying her eyes out. hermione of course. come on harry, why'd you think she wouldn't tell us who she's coming with? because nobody asked her. i would have taken her myself if she weren't so bleeding proud. no. absolutely not. no, we'd not care to join you and viktor. he's a durmstrang. you're fraternising with the enemy. hrmph, i think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind. no. he's using you. doubt it. he's way too old. yeah that is what i think. go on. well that's completely off the point. harry. they get scary when they get older. well. yeah. a bit merci. blimey even when you go wrong it turns out right. we're still misfits. do you think we'll ever just have a quiet year at hogwarts? well i won't. you know i won't!