no! the boy is everything, it cannot be done without him and it will be done exactly as i say. good. first, gather our old comrades. send them a sign. nagini tells me the old caretaker is standing outside the door. step aside so i can give our guest a proper greeting. ah yes, the time is close now. harry! at last! step aside wormtail so i can give our guest a proper greeting! kill the spare. do it, now! my wand wormtail. hold out your arm. the other arm wormtail. welcome my friends. thirty years it's been, and yet you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. i confess myself disappointed, not one of you tried to find me. not even you, lucius. there were signs my friend, and more than whispers. out of fear, not loyalty. still you have proved yourself useful these past few months wormtail. oh, such a handsome boy. harry! i'd almost forgotten you were here. standing on the bones of my father. i'd introduce you but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days. the boy who lived. how lies have fed your legend harry. shall i reveal what really happened that night thirteen years ago? shall i divulge how i truly lost my powers? it was love. you see when dear sweet lily potter gave her life for her only son she provided the ultimate protection. i could not touch you. it was old magic, something i should have forseen. but no matter, no matter. things have changed, i can touch you now! astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do eh harry? pick up your wand potter. i said pick it up, get up. get up! you've been taught how to duel i presume yes? first we bow to each other. come on now harry the niceties must be observed, dumbledore would not want you to forget your manners now would he? i said bow! that's better. and now. atta boy harry, your parents would be proud. especially your filthy mongrel mother. i'm going to kill you harry potter, i'm going to destroy you. after tonight no one will ever again question my powers. after tonight if they speak of you they'll speak only of how you begged for death, and i being a merciful lord obliged. get up. don't you turn your back on me harry potter i want you to look at me when i kill you, i want to see the lights leave your eyes. do nothing. he is mine to finish. he's mine! no!