hedwig? mum! exactly. how'd you guess? i'm joking, mum. now you're joking. i was only wondering when harry got here. harry dimpleton. harry potter, of course. well his trunk's in the kitchen. and his owl. me, nosy. is he up there with you? harry's. haven't seen him, have you? apparently, he's wandering about the house. meaning? none of your business. please. what's a wrackspurt? he's covered in blood again. why is it he's always covered in blood? shut it! piss off, cormac. how `bout i toss you a floater? who's the half-blood prince? that's what it says. right here. `this book is the property of the half-blood prince.' sorry, i'm not ordinarily late -- what's gotten into him? open up, you. don't trust me? `course `tis. made them myself. everyone gone to bed? i don't sleep these days. so i wash my hair. silly, right? happy christmas, harry. oh my god. no, harry! it's a trap! harry falters, looking toward ginny's voice and spies greyback. bellatrix stops dead, wheels in her tracks and, seeing ginny, shrieks with rage. raising her wand, she fires a bolt of red light which explodes in a shower of sparks around ginny. ginny fires back, then wheels away, flashing through the reeds and coming face to face with. `bout time, don't you think? you have to get rid of it. today. take my hand. over the years, if someone had a secret, if they wanted to conceal something, this is where they came. some of these things are almost as old as the castle itself. fred and george. first year. i hid tom riddle's diary here for a time. wish i'd left it. see, you never know what you'll find up here. all right. close your eyes. that way you can't be tempted. there's something else. another secret of sorts. one of mine. that can stay hidden up here too, if you like.