hey, you three! stinksap. burn the whiskers right off yer chin. trees `ere are drippin' with it. it's not fer me. it's fer aragog. yeh remember aragog, don' yeh? tha's the one. he's taken ill. i'm hopin' ter nurse `im back. keep yer fingers crossed. get back! all o' yeh! now, now. now, now. don' go touchin' tha' but by the wrappin's. unnerstan'? `arry. `orace. kill `im! me oldest friend, `e was! ah, don' worry yerself. yer not alone. seriously misunderstood creatures -- spiders. it's the eyes, i reckon. unnerve people. i reckon that too. how'd yeh get outta the castle anyways? don' suppose it's doin' `im any good, izzit? wish yeh coulda seen `im in `is prime. magnificent `e was. jus' magnificent. aragog. tha' was. tha' was. beautiful. i had `im from an egg, yeh know. tiny little thing he was when he hatched. no bigger'n a pekinese. tha's odd. poof. no idea. no idea at all. take more'n tha' ter finish me off. not sure about me `ouse, tho'. but if anybody can put it righ', dumbledore can. only thing i can't reckon is wha' snape was doin' with tha' lot. an' wha's this wi' the dark mar'? who's been killed? where's dumbledore, `arry? where's dumbledore!! harry tries to speak, but he is mute. hagrid goes still.