was that an owl i heard? really? a few days ago. though. for a bit, i wasn't sure i was coming. she's not alone. even my parents -- and they're muggles -- know something bad is happening. there's been a lot of chatter lately. that he's gotten. old. these are adorable. how is it fred and george are doing it? half the alley's closed down. oh no. look. but everyone got their wands from ollivander. young. old. bloody hell. i don't know. harry stares at the smoke drifting from the cauldron. a sound rises, growing more powerful and the roar of a. stop, harry, i know where you're going with this -- harry is under the impression that draco malfoy is now a death eater. i told you. i don't know what i saw. where's harry? will. you. stop. eating! your best friend is missing! where've you been, harry? and what happened to your face? what's happened to his hand? granger, sir. that one there is veritaserum. and that would be polyjuice potion. and that. is amortentia! the most powerful love potion in the world. it's rumored to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them. for example, i smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and spearmint toothpaste -- liquid luck. how did you do that? no. the instructions specifically say to cut. sh! he's vile. no i have not. and if you had a shred of self-respect you would turn that book in. i'd like to know just whose book that was. let's take a look, shall we? why not? the binding is fragile? she makes another grab for it, but harry holds it clear. then ginny appears, plucks it out of his hand. for weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it. and you have no desire to find out who the half-blood prince is? well, i was curious. so i went to -- harry. ron the library. and. nothing. there's no reference to the half-blood prince anywhere. what've you got there, hagrid? stinksap? you're not sick, are you? the aurors. i know they're here to protect us, but. somehow i don't feel any safer. three butterbeers. splash of ginger in mine, please. oh, honestly, ronald. they're just holding hands. and snogging. leave? you can't be serious. so? what if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? would you expect her to get up and leave? ron blinks, utterly speechless. then: be delighted, sir. what's up? i'll get someone -- my parents are dentists. they tend to people's teeth. no. though, a boy named robbie fenwick did bite my father once. needed ten stitches. look at her eyes. they've been fighting again. her and dean. nothing. how was what? dead boring. though i think harry enjoyed dessert. ol' sluggy's having a christmas do, you know. and we're meant to bring someone. actually, i was going to ask you. really. but seeing as you have such a distaste for the idea -- don't drink that, ron! you could be expelled for that. ron seems to be enjoying himself. you shouldn't have done it, harry. that was different. it was tryouts. this was an actual match -- you didn't put it in? ron only thought you did? charms spell. just practicing. how does it feel, harry? when you see dean with ginny? i know, harry. you're my best friend. i see how you look at her. oppugno! instantly the birds race like angry red bullets toward ron, who flees, slamming shut the door. he's at perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes. i really couldn't care less. was i under the impression that he and i would be attending slughorn's christmas party together? yes. of course, now, given the circumstances, i've had to make other arrangements. yes. why? why didn't i think of that? um. it's a surprise. besides, it's you we need to worry about. and you can't pick just anyone. see that girl over there. that's romilda vane. rumor has it she's trying to slip you a love potion. hey! she's only interested in you because she thinks you're the chosen one. you know that, right? hm? oh, i've just escaped -- i mean, left cormac. under the mistletoe. i thought it would annoy ron most. but he's a menace. he's got more tentacles than a snarfalump plant. no thank you. on second thought -- maybe it'll keep cormac at bay. oh no, here he comes! you're lucky you weren't killed. you have to realize who you are, harry. so tell me what arthur said. what would draco want with a vanishing cabinet? he looks different, don't you think? draco. almost. ill. excuse me, i have to go vomit. did you actually expect you could just walk up to ol' sluggy and ask him to reveal his deepest, darkest secret? honestly, harry, sometimes i think the daily prophet should call you the dim one. you're going to have to persuade him somehow. and now, i'm afraid, you've made it a lot harder. that's. not possible. no one can leave the castle these days. the map is wrong. i might ask you the same. i happen to be his. friend. he's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! and for the record, i've always found him interesting. hermione frowns, a bit embarrassed. ron snorts, stirring. oh shut up. ron. stop. you're making it snow. um, well, she came to visit you in the hospital, you see, and you talked -- i don't believe it was a long conversation -- does, doesn't she? and you say you don't remember a thing from that night? not one thing? right. boggled. that's katie. that's katie bell. well? how do you feel? now remember. slughorn usually eats early, takes a short walk and then returns to his office. what? no, harry -- you've got to go see slughorn. we have a plan -- harry. it's time. if one wants it to be. why? of course, and that explains the vanishing cabinet as well! what if there are? do you think he would've done it. draco? strange. thinking this is a piece of voldemort's soul. `to the dark lord. i know i will be dead long before you read this but i want you to know that it was i who discovered your secret. i have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as i can. i face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. r.a.b.' r.a.b.? ron's okay with it, you know. you and ginny. but if i were you, when he's around, i'd keep the snogging to a minimum. we reckoned -- ron and me. i've always admired your courage, harry, but sometimes. you're really thick. you don't honestly think you can find all those horcruxes by yourself, do you? like that's going to happen. besides, he's barking. yes, but i'm exceptionally perceptive. do you think we'll ever.