quibbler? quibbler? there's an article on wrackspurts this month. quibbler? he's lovely. they've been known to sing on boxing day, you know. quibbler? they're invisible creatures that float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy. quibbler? quibbler? hello, harry. your head's full of wrackspurts. them. it's alright. i enjoyed our walk. it was like being with a friend. that's nice. who are those people? would you like me to fix it? personally i think you look a bit more devil-may-care this way. but it's up to you. no. but i've done several toes and how different are they really? episkey. luna poises her wand over harry's nose and. gives it a tap. it vibrates wildly and then. snaps into place. exceptionally ordinary. hello, everyone. you look dreadful, ron. is that why you just put something in his cup. is it a tonic? i've never been to this part of the castle. at least not while awake. i sleepwalk, you see. it's why i wear shoes to bed.