what just happened? blaise? hogwarts. what a pathetic excuse for a school. i think i'd pitch myself off the astronomy tower if i thought i had to continue on for another two years. let's just say i don't think you'll be seeing me wasting my time in charms class next year. amused, blaise? we'll see just who's laughing in the end. you two go on. i want to check something. didn't mummy ever tell you it's bad manners to eavesdrop, potter? petrificus totalus! malfoy wheels, points his wand at the luggage rack. something hits the floor with a thump. the invisibility cloak slips away and reveals harry, paralyzed on the floor. malfoy grins. oh, right, she was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin. enjoy the ride back to london. it's a not a cane, you cretin. it's a walking stick. is my father's. he's not dead. snape watches malfoy carefully wrap the stick in felt, lay it back inside his trunk. nice face, potter. take your hands off me, you filthy squib! okay, okay, i was gate-crashing. happy? certainly. professor. maybe i did hex that bell girl. maybe i didn't. what's it to you? two silhouettes come into view -- malfoy, slumped against the wall in lazy insolence, and snape. i don't need protection. i was chosen for this! out of all others. me! and i won't fail him. no! i was chosen. this is my moment! malfoy exits. then snape. cruci-- don't touch me! don't you dare touch me! harry stops dead. transfixed by a flash of something dark pushing through the wet fabric of malfoy's shirtsleeve. just then. snape bursts through the door. seeing malfoy -- and the nature of his injuries -- he eyes harry with keen curiosity. kneeling, he traces the tip of his wand over malfoy's wounds, murmuring an eerie incantation. instantly, the skin begins to knit itself together. harry backs away, snape's ancient chant ringing in his ears, blood floating like crimson flowers on the floor, backing away until he reaches the door. who else is here? i heard you talking. how do you know what i am? i've done things that would shock you. he trusts me! i was chosen! expelliarumus! harry watches in horror as dumbledore's wand flies free, clattering across the grid above. malfoy watches it roll to a stop, a curious mixture of fear and awe at his own actions. dumbledore eyes the wand, then draco. the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement. i've been mending it. in borgin & burkes. they form -- i don't want your help! don't you see! i have to do it! i have to! i've got to kill you or he'll kill me.