you'll have to forgive remus. it takes its toll -- his condition. we're being followed, all of us. molly doesn't leave the house most days. it's not been easy. yes, but i thought it best if i replied in person. if dumbledore's traveling, it's news to the ministry. but perhaps that's the way dumbledore wants it. as for draco malfoy -- i know a bit more. i sent an agent to borgin & burkes. from what you describe, i think what you and ron saw at the end of the summer -- the object that draco seemed so interested in -- was a vanishing cabinet. they were all the rage when voldemort first rose to power. you can imagine the appeal. should the death eaters come calling, one needed only slip inside and disappear for an hour or two. but they're tricky contraptions. require a tremendous amount of looking after. eventually they fell out of favor. nothing. it's still there. harry. you know, i went through all this before -- the last time around. times like these -- dark times -- do funny things to people. it can bring them together and it can tear them apart. things. speed up. it's what happens when you don't know if today will be your last. harry, no! ginny, stay with your mother!