i should tell you, mr. potter, earlier this evening your uncle's sister was located just south of sheffield, circling a chimney stack. the accidental magic reversal department was dispatched and she's been properly punctured and her memory modified. she has no recollection of the incident whatsoever. harry waits. a man condemned. then fudge turns. so that's that, and no harm done. pea soup? harry glances warily from the steaming tureen of green to tom, who works a grimy thumb into his gum, frees a walnut sliver. oh, come now, harry. the ministry doesn't send people to azkaban for blowing up their aunts! on the other hand. running away like that. given the state of things. very, very irresponsible. we have a killer on the loose. hm? oh, nothing. you're safe, that's what matters. tomorrow you'll be on your way to hogwarts. these are your new schoolbooks. i took the liberty of having them brought here for you. harry eyes the stack of books. one is bound by a rope. by the way, harry. whilst you're here it would be best if you didn't. wander. rosmerta, m'dear! up ahead cornelius fudge emerges from a ministry sleigh as hagrid swings the door clear and -- with unfortunate ease -- rips it clean off the fittings. fudge joins mcgonagall and a curvy barmaid outside the i trust business is good? we have a killer on the loose. harry potter. ha! tell that to peter pettigrew! black was vicious. he didn't kill pettigrew. he destroyed him. a finger. that's all that was left. a finger -- there's your hearsay. rosmerta looks to mcgonagall. she nods grimly. professor mcgonagall sirius black may not have put his hands to the potters, but he's the reason they're dead. and now he wants to finish what he started. but that's not the worst of it. 'it is the decision of the committee for the disposal of dangerous creatures that the hippogriff buckbeak, hereafter called the condemned, shall be executed this day at sundown' as harry approaches, buckbeak studies him curiously, a ferret leg dangling from his beak. harry bows. slurp! the ferret leg disappears and buckbeak returns harry's nod. as harry takes buckbeak's chain. a flint-eyed crow pecks his hand. 'the committee's appointed executioner shall dispatch the condemned by means of beheading' 'as witnessed below.' you sign here, hagrid. very well, gentlemen. let's step outside, shall we. ding! the hogwarts bell begins to toll. harry and hermione exchange a glance. harry tugs harder. no go. let's get this over with, shall we? harry and hermione -- their view unobstructed by the low stand of trees this time -- watch the executioner approach the pumpkin patch. and stop. quickly, the confusion in his masked eyes turns to anger. but. where is it? i just saw the beast not moments ago -- hagrid? come now, dumbledore. someone's obviously released him. we should search the grounds --