and exactly how do we do that? god, this place is going to the dogs. wait until my father hears dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes. potter, there's a dementor behind you. harry jumps, wheels in fear, finds. nothing. instantly, the slytherins make an eerie ooh. and ooh sound, then break up laughing. harry reddens, embarrassed, then. a strange beast emerges from the trees. it has the torso, hind legs, and tail of a horse, but the front legs, wings and head of a giant eagle. the students step back in fear, then hagrid appears, shooing the beast on. give me a go at that thing. if potter can do it, it must be easy. you're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute -- it's killed me! it's killed me! it comes and goes. still. i consider myself lucky. according to madam pomfrey, another minute or two. and i could've lost the arm. harry, ron and hermione watch from the gryffindor table. it's this class that's ridiculous. well, well. look who's here. you two shopping for your dream home? seems a bit grand for you, weasel- bee. don't your family all sleep in one room? now that's not very friendly. boys, i think we're going to have to teach weasel-bee to respect his superiors. how dare you speak to me, you filthy, little mud -- splat! malfoy takes a snowball to the grill. splutters: who did that! malfoy glances about in confusion, when -- splat! splat! -- he takes two more. hermione and ron glance about uneasily. well, don't just stand there! wait a minute, there's something out here -- aaaaaaahhhh!!! malfoy's ski mask is pulled over his eyes, he's spun about, given a rough kick to the ass and sent stumbling over the rise and out of sight. instantly, crabbe and goyle join him. ron and hermione stand frozen, exchange a nervous glance, and. dash off. when -- flumph! -- they both go flying, land on their pants in the snow. as they sit up, they hear. laughter. hermione's eyes narrow in suspicion. did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf?! oh, this is going to be rich. did i tell you, father said i can keep the head -- ah. come to see the show? not a word of this to anyone, understood! i'll get that jumped- up mudblood one of these days. mark my words. eyes narrowed in anger, hermione leans out, reaches up, and sends malfoy sprawling. as harry pulls her back, malfoy looks around in confusion, then dashes off with the others. seconds later, harry emerges, marvels at the sight of himself and hermione, and ron heading down the slope to hagrid's hut. his eyes shift to the pumpkin patch.