no, not a soul. unless you count tom. the day maid. the night maid. the cook. the bloke that came to fix the toilet. that wizard from belgium. mrs. weasley takes harry's face in her hands, smiles. as if relieved to see him. george's nose looks positively massive in that photograph. bloody hell. 'tis, isn't it? take after your side of the family, don't i, mum? harry notices mr. weasley glance edgily at a fugitive poster tacked to the wall. in it, sirius black glowers under the words, "have you seen this man?" peaky? what d'you expect him to look like? he fell fifty feet. gave us a right good scare, mate. clever, harry. besides, we've got a better way. rubbish he says. that there's the secret to our success. but we've decided your need's greater than ours. george, if you will. dumbledore. pacing. everyone. where they are. every minute. nicked it from filch's office, of course, first year. now listen. there's seven secret passageways out of the castle. but we'd recommend. witch, right. but you best hurry. filch is heading this way. oh. and, harry? when you're done, make sure to give it a tap and say, 'mischief managed.' otherwise, anyone can read it.