it'd be a right sight better if the ministry wasn't sending dementors into my pub every other night. sirius black? in hogsmeade! and what would bring him here? harry potter! come on then. let's hear it. you-know-who. i've heard this rot. it was all over the daily prophet back in the day. and i'll say now what i said then: of all the boys i ran out of here, black's the last who would've gone over to the dark side. hearsay. that's all the ministry had. hearsay. peter pettigrew? professor mcgonagall little lump of a boy? always tagging after black and. i remember him. what's he got to do with it? professor mcgonagall after the potters were killed, pettigrew went looking for black. and, unfortunately. found him. harry. what could be worse? professor mcgonagall this: sirius black was and remains today. harry potter's godfather. blam! the pub doors fly open, reveal main street, where ron and hermione wait, rubbing their hands against the chill. as they look down, camera tilts.