s-sirius.  r-remus. my old friends. neither speaks. pettigrew's small, watery eyes dart toward the windows and door. suddenly, he makes a break for it, but sirius merely shoves him back. pettigrew's nose twitches, his gaze finding harry. his hands flutter nervously, reveal a missing index finger.
harry! look at you! y-you look just like your father. like james. we were the best of friends, he and i --
i didn't mean to! the dark lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! ask yourself what you would have done, sirius. what would you have done!
no.  please.  you can't.  ron! haven't i been a good friend? a good pet? you won't let them kill me, will you? i was your rat.  ron draws back in disgust. pettigrew turns to hermione.
sweet girl. clever girl. surely you won't let them.  as one, lupin and black raise their wands, point them directly into pettigrew's face. he shrinks back trembling, closing his eyes in fear, when.
bless you, boy! bless you --
turn me into a maggot. a dung beetle. a flobberworm! anything but the dementors.  ron! haven't i been a good friend? a good pet? you won't let them kill me, will you? i was your rat.  as ron draws back in disgust, a sleepwalking snape bumps his head against a low limb. hermione turns to harry.
sweet girl. clever girl. surely you won't let them.  hermione tugs her robes from pettigrew's sweaty grasp. harry turns, sees black staring in wonder at the castle, shining radiantly under the bright bowl of the night sky.