yeah, take it away! bang! ernie rockets away and the beds -- as one -- slide six inches to the rear. harry drops onto the bed nearest, peers up at the chandelier swaying directly above his head. beyond the windscreen oncoming traffic whips past in a blur. leaky cauldron! stay away from the pea soup! as the shrunken head cackles with delight, harry peers out the windscreen, watches london careering by. heads up! little old lady at twelve o'clock! sure enough, directly ahead, a little old lady is crossing the street. ernie hits the brakes hard and harry flies forward, palms to the window. the brakes pinch down, the bus stops inches from the old lady, and harry flies back onto his bed. bang! the bus rockets forward once more. as harry rights himself, he notices the headline of stan's daily prophet: escape from azkaban! below, a sunken-faced man with long, matted hair glowers from a hate that. turn! turn! ernie fans the wheel, sending the knight bus into a dizzying 360-degree turn. headlights pinwheel past the windows as the bus rides up on two wheels and harry is sent flying once more. grabbing fast to the center pole, he pirouettes through the air when ernie. slams on the