yes aunt petunia. yes uncle vernon. he's asleep. sorry about him he doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you. can you hear me? it's just i've never talked to a snake before. do you. do you talk to people often? you're from burma, aren't you? was it nice there? did you miss your family? i see. that's me as well. i never knew my parents either. any time. i swear, i don't know! one minute the glass was there then it was gone, it was like magic! hey give it back! it's mine! because there's no post on sundays. get off! they're my letters! let go of me! make a wish, harry. i am. thank you! excuse me, but who are you? sorry, no. learned what? i'm a what? no, you've made a mistake. i mean i can't be a wizard. i mean i'm harry, just harry. dear mr. potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. you knew? we knew all along and you never told me? blown up?! you told me my parents died in a car crash! muggle? all students must be equipped with a one standard size two pewter cauldron, and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad. can we find all this in london? oh, nice to meet you, good bye. but why am i famous hagrid? all those people back there how is it they know who i am? but hagrid how am i to pay for all this? i haven't any money. hagrid what exactly are these things? what's in there hagrid? i still need. a wand. hello? hello? sorry but what's curious and who owned that wand? woah! he killed my parents didn't he? the one who gave me this. you know hagrid. i know you do. well maybe if you wrote it down? voldemort? me? voldemort tried to kill me? what happened to v--. to you-know-who? platform 9 ¾? but, hagrid, there must be a mistake. this says platform 9 ¾. there's no such thing. is there? excuse me! excuse me! excuse me sir. can you tell me where i might find platform 9 ¾? muggles? excuse me! could you tell me how to. not at all. i'm harry. harry potter. the what? oh! we'll take the lot! bertie bott's every flavor beans? these aren't real frogs are they? i've got dumbledore! hey, he's gone! just a little bit. yeah! hi hagrid! i think i can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks. ow! nothing. nothing, i'm fine not slytherin, not slytherin! wow! say percy, who's that teacher talking to professor quirrell? what's he teach? we got lost. i don't know, sir. i don't know sir. what's seamus trying to do to that glass of water? can i burrow this? thanks. hey ron, somebody broke into gringotts. listen: "believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches unknown, gringotts goblins were acknowledging the breach insist nothing was taken. the vault in question number 713 had been emptied earlier that very same day." that's odd. that's the vault hagrid and i went to. woah! neville! give it here malfoy. give it here malfoy or i'll knock you off your broom! a century. according to mcgonagall. but i've never even played quidditch! what if i make a fool of myself? i didn't know. who doesn't? what's happening? let's go this way. let's go. run! quick, let's hide through that door! it's locked! and for good reason. guarding something? i think so. what are those? what was that? i like this ball. what do i do with it? woah! i think we're going to need another feather over here professor. i think she heard you. where's hermione? how could a troll get in? hermione! she doesn't know! it's going into the girl's bathroom. hermione move! woah! do something! anything! hurry up! no just knocked out. ugh. i'm not hungry. that explains the blood. listen, last night, i'm guessing snape let the troll in as diversion so he could get past that three headed dog. but, he got bit, that's why he's limping. the day i was at gringotts, hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. said it was hogwarts business, very secret. that's what the dog's guarding. that's what snape wants. but, i never get mail. it's a broomstick. but who--? a little. what happened? who knows? why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on halloween? yes? but hagrid, whatever fluffy's guarding snape's trying to steal it! exactly. nicholas flamel? nicholas flamel. who's nicholas flamel? knight to e-5. happy christmas ron! what are you wearing? i've got presents? "your father left this in my possession before he died. it is time it was returned to you. use it well."? some kind of cloak. my body is gone! i'm invisible? there was no name. it just said, "use it well." famous fire eaters. fifteenth century fiends. flamel. nicholas flamel. where are you? mum, dad? ron! you've really gotta see this! ron! you've gotta see this! ron! come on, get out of bed! there's something you've got to see! now, come on! come on! come! come look! it's my parents! look in properly. go on, stand there. there. you see them don't you? that's--- how can it? both my parents are dead. so then, it shows us what we want. whatever we want? hagrid! we think snape's trying to steal it. hagrid! we know he's after the stone we just don't know why! what? wait a minute! "one of the teachers"? hagrid, what exactly is that? norbert? malfoy. hagrid always wanted a dragon. he told me so the first time i ever met him. 50! hagrid, what is that? if i didn't know better draco, i'd say you were scared. come on fang! what is it fang? but what was that thing you saved me from? but who would choose such a life? you mean to say that thing that killed the unicorn, that was drinking its blood, that was voldemort? the sorcerer's stone! but he's weak. he's living off of unicorns. don't you see? we had it wrong! snape doesn't want the stone for himself. he wants the stone for voldemort. with the elixir of life, voldemort will become strong again. he, he'll come back. i think if he had his chance he would have tried to kill me tonight. my scar. it keeps burning. not like this. i think it's a warning. it means danger's coming. ah. oh, of course. don't you think it's a bit odd that what hagrid want more than anything is a dragon and a stranger turns up and just happens to have one? i mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? why didn't i see it before? hagrid, who gave you that dragon egg? what did he look like? this stranger though, you and he must have talked. did he seem interested in fluffy? we have to see professor dumbledore immediately! we have to see professor dumbledore immediately! hes gone! but this is important! this is about the sorcerers stone! someones going to try to steal it! that was no stranger hagrid met. it was snape. which means that he knows how to get past fluffy. we go down the trap door, tonight. trevor. now neville listen. we were. we were--- lets go. sorry. wait a minute. hes snoring. snapes already been here. hes put a spell on the harp. we have to move its paw. come on! okay, push! ill go first. dont follow me until i give you a sign. if something bad happens get yourselves out! does it seem a bit quiet to you? jump! hermione where are you? yeah, yeah im fine. apparently not. what? ron, are you okay? i dont know sounds like wings. theyre not birds theyre keys. and ill bet one of then fits that door. i dont know. strange. there! i see it! the one with the broken wing! it is too simple. catch the key! where are we? a graveyard? theres the door! wait a minute. no. ron no! he is going to sacrifice himself! ron! no dont move! dont forget were still playing! checkmate! take care of ron then go to the owlery. send a message to dumbledore. rons right. i have to go on. not as good as you. you? no it cant be; snape he was he was the one--- but that day, during the quidditch match, snape tried to kill me. snape was trying to save me? then then you let the troll in! im shaking hands with dumbledore. ive won the house cup. voldemort? never! you liar! admirers? ron was here? is he alright? what about hermione? bu, what happened to the stone? but then flamel, he'll die won't he? how is it i got the stone sir? one minute i was there staring in the mirror and then the next--- does that mean with the stone gone that is, that voldemort can never come back? what is it? alright there ron? alright. hermione? one minute. thanks hagrid. but hagrid, we're not allowed to do magic away from hogwarts. you know that. i'm not going home. not really.