has anyone seen a toad? a boy named neville's has one. oh are you doing magic? let's see then. are you sure that's a real spell? well, it's not very good is it? of course, i've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. for example: oculus reparo. that's better isn't it? holy cricket! you're harry potter! i'm hermione granger. and you are? pleasure. you two better change into your robes. i expect we'll be arriving soon. you've dirt on your nose by the way. just there. it's not real the ceiling. it's just bewitched to look like the night outside. i read about it in hogwarts, a history. oh, no. ok relax. "nearly" headless? how can you be "nearly" headless? i've read about those. when the smoke turns red it means you've forgotten something. up. up! up. up! is he alright? harry! no way! you heard what madame hooch said. besides you don't even know how to fly! what an idiot! you won't make a fool of yourself. it's in your blood. the staircases change remember? we're not supposed to be here. this is the third floor. it's forbidden! flich's cat! oh! move over! alohomora! get in! standard book of spells- chapter 7! he thinks this door is locked. it was locked. you don't use your eyes do you? didn't you see what it was standing on? it was standing on a trap door. it wasn't there by accident. it's guarding something. that's right. now, if you two don't mind, i'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get killed or worse. expelled. no, stop stop stop! you're going to take someone's eye out! besides, you're saying it wrong. it's levi-o-sa, not leviosar. wingardium leviosa. help! help! ah! help! "swish & flick!" is it dead? it's my fault professor mc gonagall i went looking for the troll i've read about them and i though i could handle it. but i was wrong. if harry and ron hadnt come and found me. id probably be dead. ron's right harry, you're going to need your strength today. blood? but why would anyone go near that dog? so you're saying- - a bit early for mail isn't it? it's snape! he's jinxing the broom! leave it to me! lacarnum inflamarae. that thing has a name? hogwarts teacher or not i know a spell when i see one! i've read all about them. you've got to keep eye contact and snape wasn't blinking! i don't know. that's totally barbaric! see you haven't. good. you can help harry then. he's going to look in the library for information on nicholas flamel. not in the restricted section. happy christmas. i had you looking in the wrong section! how could i be so stupid? i checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading! of course! here it is! "nicholas flamel is the only known maker of the sorcerer's stone honestly don't you two read? "the sorcerer's stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. it will transform any metal into pure gold and produce the elixir of life which will make the drinker immortal." it means you'll never die. the only stone currently in existence belongs to mr. nicholas flamel, the noted alchemist who last year celebrated his 665th birthday." that's what fluffy's guarding on the third floor. that's what's under the trap door. the sorcerer's stone. of course! there are other things defending the stone, aren't there? spells, enchantments? is that. a dragon? i don't understand. is that bad? well, that's good isn't it? he'll be with his own kind. harry! you mean, that you- know- who is out there right now in the forest? hang on a minute. we're forgetting one thing. who's the one wizard voldemort is always feared? dumbledore. as long as dumbledore's around, harry, you're safe. as long as dumbledore's around you can't be touched. i'd heard hogwarts' final exams were frightful, but i found they're rather enjoyable it's happened before. what is it? and with dumbledore gone--- we were. we were just--- now what are we do? neville, im really really sorry about this. petrificus totalus! sorry. ow! you stood on my foot! alohomora. the harp, it stopped playing. stop moving, both of you! this is devils snare. you have to relax! if you dont itll only kill you faster! just relax! do what i say! trust me! are you okay? hes not relaxing is he? weve got to do something! i remember reading something in herbology. devils snare devils snare its deadly fun; but will sulk in the sun. thats it! devils snare hates sunlight! lumus solem! what is that? curious, ive never seen birds like these. whats this all about? what are we going to do? there must be a thousand keys up there! whats wrong harry? i dont like this. i dont like this at all. now what do we do? what happens now? ron you dont suppose thisll be like real wizards chess do you? what is it? no you cant! there must be another way! youll be okay harry. youre a great wizard. you really are. me? books, cleverness. there are more important things. friendship and bravery. and harry, just be careful. never better. we're tied with slytherin! come on harry. feels strange to be going home doesn't it?